Monday, July 11, 2011

New Spot

Here is my new 30 second spot for TV.  I have amped up a little bit on the production and going with a little more quality camera work.. I also got new music for the back ground and ending.  let me know what you guys think.  and also, any suggestions for the next one. 


  1. Awesome. I say go with the Ricky Bobby approach and dress up like a nascar racer. You need to also say something like "if you ain't firt you're last".

  2. I also like the way you studied hand movement by salesmen on tv. Saban does the same shit. Have ya'll ever noticed he can't stop moving his hands when he speaks? By the way, I do like the upgrade in camera work.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I'm back. Joe, why do you have your head cocked sideways as you are informing the public of the supposed "hot deal"?

  5. i have a trademark on that tilt John S - Very few people can pull it off the way I do

  6. Who has $318/month for a 2010 Santa Fe? Is that a deal?

