Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Auburn Bagman???

The rumor is that Freddie Weygand could be the "bagman" for the Cam/Cecil Newton payment. As far as I can remember Weygand did and still does not have the greatest of reputation when it came to some shady shit.

I am not saying being shady makes you guilty, but it sure helps the investigation.


  1. Please explain his background. I don't know this cat. Looks like he played in the late 70's/early 80's?

  2. Freddie played WR for Pat Dye. Won Alabama Mr. Football in 83, played 84-88, drafted in the 12th round #330 overall by the Chi Bears. I don't know what he is doing now.

  3. But what makes his past shady? Is/was he in the dixie mafia or some shit?

  4. there is no 'was' when your talking about the Dixie mafia... once your in.. your in till death.

  5. sounds like he is delivering bags of cash now Joseph.

  6. He had a few questionable situations that came up when he was at Auburn. I guess I should say, what some people would consider questionable.

    All that matters is that he could be the man who done the deed. Remeber he is considered by some to be one of Coach Dye's favorites.

  7. are you suggesting that Dye was involved??

  8. I am pretty sure Coach Dye has been involved with everything that has went on at Auburn since 1981.

  9. And Dye was a Bear man wasn't he?

  10. lets be honest about the Bear for a minute. I don't claim to know all about him and I have never read any book about him, even though 4 fucking bio's come out every year. I view him as the greatest football coach to ever live. Better than Vince L. but the man was a dirty as hell.. he taught Dye everything he knows about coaching, cheating, drinking, and paying players. I find it very comical when the Bamars get on the Barners and vise versa.. yall are from the same tree (not tommers - they are about dead).

  11. Toomer's Joe not tommers,and yes it is sad that the least punctual person on here is calling you out. Also Freddy is a great pillar of the community.

  12. I forget the names of things that are about dead

  13. Jody, for not caring about Auburn's scandal this is your second post in recent weeks about it. With the new SOS (suits of Saban)
    and Trent running around signing jerseys both schools are not looking to good

  14. Could Alabama be the first state to have back2back National Titles taken away from them?? Buncha damn cheaters is what yall are.. always have been, always will be.

  15. I believe Mr Weygand works for Jimmy Rane aka "yella fella". That would explain a lot in itself.

  16. So this is the Barner defense? Blame everything on an Alabama coach who died 30 years ago. Outstanding plan. Best of luck to you.

