Friday, November 12, 2010


I’m curious of a couple of things in this Newtongate. 

1) What exactly are the facts?  Not what we think we know, not what is being reported, but what are the actual facts that we do know.  I wish someone “creditable” (like the FBI) would say what they know but I understand that they are probably not going to do that unless it is with an indictment. 

2) If Kenny Rogers is not being honest, then what does he have to gain from this?  All I can figure is if this guy is not telling the truth then he is going to be in even bigger legal trouble than if he actually orchestrated a biding war.   I wish I could hear a legal expert tell us the legal consequences if KR is telling the truth vs. not telling the truth because my previous statement about he could be in even bigger trouble is nothing more than a guess.

3) Does the NCAA have to find money to find guilt?  I’m pretty sure someone can be found guilty of murder with out a murder weapon.  So does the NCAA have to find the money or does that just make the case easier??

I am finding it harder and harder to believe that Auburn is innocent.  That said, Culpepper reminded me last night that we have not heard Auburn’s side of the story yet either.  Auburn has been told to keep their mouths shut, by either the NCAA or the SEC.  We have had all sides shoved down our throats except Auburn’s, and that could have something to do with how I am leaning on this.

I am a firm believer in innocent until proven guilty.  I say this right after I have presumed guilt with absolutely no facts making me a huge hypocrite.  I am praying (I’m really not praying about this) that Auburn is found to be clean because I wouldn’t wish these types of possible sanctions on anyone other than Notre Dame or USC..  Maybe Boise State also, because of the blue field. 

What I am afraid of is that someone, that is not in Au Athletic Dept, paid Cecil Newton…  What sucks about this is that AU has every right to stand behind Cam because they (The University of Auburn) haven’t done anything wrong and they know of nothing that has been done wrong.  And yet, this is a “Cam Newton scandal” or an “Auburn scandal” and that isn’t fair at this point (another case of my hypocrisy, i started the post off with Newtongate). 

Anthony tweeted, “News Flash: If you are a college football fan and you want Cam to be found guilty you might need to find another sport to involve yourself” – I agree with this statement.  I think that most of us hypocrites that have already presumed guilt want him to be found guilty for one reason – so we can say, “I told you so.”  and that is sad, real sad.  The fact that we would rather be able to feel good about presuming guilt over being reminded that we all, including Auburn and the Newtons, are innocent until proven guilty is pathetic. 

As of right now Cam Newton, Cecil Newton, and Auburn are innocent.  We know this because the SEC, the NCAA, and the FBI have not said anything to the contrary.  I pray (again, I’m really not praying about this) that Cecil Newton is not a pimp, that Cam wins the Hiesman, and that Auburn gets the brakes beat off of them this weekend by the DAWGS!!! 

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