Tuesday, April 20, 2010


Today is April 20th also known as 4.20.  This number has significant meaning with in the pot smoking community.  Some people say its the international smoke time.  some people say its the day of the year that we should push for the legalization of marijuana.  Other dope smokers smoke so regularly that they are not sure what today’s date is anyway. 

Today always gets me to thinking about the legalization of Marijuana.  I’m curious of what the down falls would be.  I may be wrong but I’m not sure if I have ever heard of someone getting stoned and beating their wife and kids up and that seems to be a pretty regular occurrence with alcohol.  Cigarettes are estimated to kill over 2.5 million people a year (not sure how accurate that stat is but who cares, its a shit load of people) and they are obviously good enough to be legal.  So why not pot?

The legalization issue is normally where my conservative friends and myself seem to differ the most.  I cant, for the life of me, understand why its not legal and taxed. 

Also, today is Hitler’s Birthday – So if any of you are Jew Haters then I guess you can use 4.20 as a day to remember the biggest Jew Hater in history.  (I would hope that we dont have any Jew haters – Jesus was a Jew for Christ sake.  pun) 

1 comment:

  1. I am open to discussion to the decriminalization of pot for some reasons, but as far as making legal.

    1. No one who doesn't smoke pot thinks it would be a good idea, so their reasons are selfish to begin with wich is a bad start because just like a politician when you have yourself in mind you rarley do things in the best interest of other pople.

    2. I can't think of one good thing that could come of it other than hippies complaining about it costing to much after becoming legal or the penalties for selling on the black market getting WAY more severe.

    3. Until you can test people and see if they are stoned at the moment like you can for alchol then you can't make it legal it would be a workmans comp and insurance nightmare. Granit that happens now but is illegal so you jsut get fired instead of trying to determine the exact time that you were high.

    4. People say it will lessen the drug trade. The drugs do not come from inside this country like alcohol did in prohibition so Mexico will always sell it cheaper than our Government and it will be tax free so the drug trade will still be going strong.

    5. Go check out Amsterdams economy, it is not to awesome.

    6. Welfare would triple from all the people "hustle" to sell pot now not having a job, I doubt they will all go work at Mcdonald's or become lawyers.

    7. There is a diffence between Alchol and pot you can drink 4 beers and not be drunk you can't smoke one bowl and not be high.

    8. and no one knows how many people die from lung cancer from smoking pot every year, because on your insurance form there is not a box to check that says pot smoker.

