Friday, February 25, 2011


couple of quick random things.

  1. God, it is so pretty outside and I am really looking forward to taking the girls fishing, riding the 4 wheeler, doing yard work, riding dirt roads, just enjoying the pretty weather.  The bad thing is when it is pretty outside it is really hard to justify why you I am sitting on my ass in my boxer shorts at 2:30 on a Sunday afternoon…  I’m still not sure how to pull that off with out looking like a worthless sack of shit but I intend to figure it out how this year.
  2. Netflix for the Wii is the shit – I have been up for the last 2 nights until 1 am watching season 1 of Californication (which is a bad ass show) and I have several more showtime and hbo original series to catch up on.  This does not help #1 on this list.
  3. I don’t remember Parker and Rachel crying like Audrey does every evening.  I’m not sure what is causing this and I’m pretty sure that I am not helping out nearly enough… maybe this pretty weather will help.
  4. Planning a trip to Disney World this year is so much fun.  It’s really great to plan out a $2,500 vacation when you have $18 in your savings account.  Really shows how much my priorities are in line. 
  5. Woodford Reserve is the best Whiskey i have ever put in my mouth.  Thanks DR (I dont want to put his name on here because he thinks very highly of himself and wouldn’t want to have his name on Southern Fired.  he also likes to suck dick)
  6. Going to be going to a Bachelor party in April that is being planned about as good as the evacuation of New Orleans – the only difference is that their are no black people involved – and I’m not sure where I stand…  option A: fuck it, doesnt matter.  option B: take over the planning and get stiffed for several hundreds of dollars and set my Disney Trip back..  I’ll go with option A.
  7. NBA trades.  who gives a shit. 
  8. Spring Training.  who gives a shit.
  9. I’m glad Dale Jr didn’t win the Daytona 500 because I would be so sick and tired of hearing people talk about how fixed Nascar is.  The most popular driver in the last 8 years hasn’t won a race in over 90 races.  I’m pretty sure it isn’t fixed people.
  10. I don’t have a tenth but didn’t want to stop at 9.

1 comment:

  1. Welcome back to the blog Commish!!! Way to bust out with your first good post in months.

