Friday, February 11, 2011

lil Pulley is here


6.9 lbs and 20 1/2 in long – Dylan Chase Pulley

Healthy white baby and Mama is doing fine, from what I understand.

Last night I was showing someone new the blog – I went through the archives and showed him when it started.  One of the first few posts had something to do with Pulley, Starrett, Reese, Culpepper and Jody and you guys are THE reason this thing is still alive.  We now have had 2 babies born, an engagement, and several several great stories shared.  Great arguments, personal attacks, and even some momma jokes – all the while in good fun.

Last night when Pulley sent me a text with Dylan’s numbers he put, “update the blog” – He had just had a new baby boy and within a few hours was thinking of Southern Fried.  It just got me thinking how special this thing has become to me and I wanted to tell you guys just how much I appreciate your partnership.  When someone is slacking, then someone else picks it up and I thank you for it.

Pulley, Congratulations on becoming a father.  

