Friday, August 12, 2011

Biggest Falls from Grace

To be clear.  The fall is based off the highest point the person ever was to where that person is right now.  Example of someone that had a huge fall but didn’t make the list because of the rebound is Mike Vick. 

#5 L.T.  


One of the Greatest Defensive Football Players to ever play the game to getting arrested for raping a 16 year old run away…  that is a pretty fucking big fall from Grace.

#4 Tiger


The most popoular sports figure in the World to being a punch line in shitty jokes..  He went from ‘WHEN will Tiger break Jack’s record’ to ‘Will Tiger ever win another Major’ 

#3 Mike Tyson


The greatest Heavy Weight Boxer our generation has seen to being a complete basket case.  I mean fucking Crazy! 

#2 Pete Rose


All Time Hit leader and arguably the greatest baseball player to ever play the game to work 5 hours a day in Vegas signing autographs and being banded from the game.. 

#1 O.J.


Clear Cut #1.  Heisman Trophy Winner.  Best Pro Running back in his day.  Movie Star.  to killing a white woman..  No bigger fall from grace than the Juice! 

I don’t think you can make an argument


  1. Nice pun on the Juice.
    I think TW is going to be the biggest faller from grace, because he did this in his prime. Tyson did too, but was already on the down hill slide when Holyfield beat the piss outta him.

    LT will be cleared if he already hasn't.

    Pete deserves to be in the hall. It's about time someone get's the ball rolling on that.

  2. Joe and I started this debate yesterday and I stated the same thing as Reese. Tiger completely self destructed when he was on top of the world. He was more than just a sports figure and it has all come crashing down. The rest of your list seems to be in line. Good call on LT as we didn't mention him yesterday. I am not even sure that we have seen the end of Tiger's fall.

  3. My bad.. I should have given pully credit - this was his idea i just rushed this morning to put it out there. Jody also had a good bit to do with it, also. Props to Pully and Jody.

  4. #2 should be Shoeless Joe Jackson, he did throw the World Series.

