Saturday, June 18, 2011

Guitar Riffs

I know there are a lot of music buffs that read this blog, I am not one of them. I know little about music ie. name of songs, who sings them and what year they came out. In saying all of this I have been traveling quite a bit the last couple of months and I have been forced to listen to the radio (radio meaning music). In all this radio time I have found there are certain things that EVERYBODY recognizes, such as guitar riffs. A song came on yesterday and right away I knew the song without a doubt. As the song was playing I started thinking about songs that you just know by hearing the guitar play, so I have come up with 5 that I know. Feel free to add because I am sure there are a ton that I do not even know.

5.Do you feel like we do. (Peter Frampton)
4. Paradise City (GnR)
3.Folsom Prison (Johnny Cash)
2. Dueling Banjos (?) (I know the difference in a banjo and a guitar)
1. Bad to the Bone (George Thorogood)

Again let me stress I know little to nothing about music, so enlighten me with your fast knowledge.

Happy Fathers Day....


  1. "Country boy can survive" by Bocephus

  2. Reese after I posted this the songs started pouring into my mind. I cant believe I didnt have CBCS, I know exactly what song it is when I hear the opening guitar.

