Friday, February 19, 2010


Tiger Woods is about to give his press conference and I am sick and tired of hearing everyone say who he “owes” an apology too. He don’t owe us shit. And every single hypocrite in the media that is bashing him over and over and over needs to take a real long look at themselves. As soon as Tim Tebow gets a piece of ass I suspect that we will have the same thing out of him. That’s what happens. These supper star athletes and celebrates grow up, normally, one of two ways. Either poor or sheltered. The poor ones do stupid shit like fight dogs, shoot themselves in the leg, beat their girl friend up, etc… the sheltered ones are a little different, of course. They, on the other hand, never were able to do “fun” stuff, like have a period of their life where they do drugs, sleep with several different women, get an STD, stay drunk for a month, etc… so when these guys get really on their own (and their really never own their own until their daddy dies – ie Michael Jordan) they go nuts, pun intended. Tiger was making over a 100 million dollars a year. That’s just shy of 2 million a week. Now I want you guys to think about this for a minute. Put yourself in Tigers shoes. You are a kid that grew up with a father that was about as demanding as you can imagine. You had zero personal life. Then you go off to Stanford and become friends with a bunch of rich douche bags but still all you are doing is playing golf. Every day – all day. And then you have sex for the first time, you lose your virginity at 19 (im assuming he lost his about 19). Over the next decade you become one of the most popular athletes in the world, not the south, not the nation, in the WORLD!! You have women throwing themselves on you. You can afford to put these women up anywhere you want. “I’m gonna be in England next week, want to join me? I’ll fly you out.” I mean really, think about this for a second. Think about a nerd, a black nerd, that plays golf – getting any white woman he wants. Tiger says he is “addicted to sex” hell Tiger, I would be too.. I just cant afford to be.


  1. i thought it was reese. thought he did a great job

  2. Who gives a Shit? All I wanted to know was when he was going to play GOLF again.


  3. Agree with that also Jody, BUT he needed to come out and say something before he hit the course or it would be even crazier than its already gonna be

  4. I aplogize for balling out Joselyn James after all the other brothers. Tell Hootie to have me some ho's waiting.

  5. perfect example of how tigers speech was a success. they just replayed it on TV here at work and there is a older couple sitting here watching. The lady got up and came to the TV to turn it up so she could hear it better and i tell you, this lady was watching this so closely it was almost funny. she had a very serious look on her face through out - i was waiting to get her response when it ended and this is what she said.. "i wish people would leave that man alone... he said he was sorry." ... spoke with traci and she said that she "felt bad for him" - if women are saying they feel bad for him and men have long forgiven, if Tiger was a stock then right now would be a great time to BUY!!

