Wednesday, March 9, 2011


I want us to get into how we feel about this so to start with let me just put the facts out there.


Click HERE to read the emails from (name scratched out) to Sweater Vest. 

So it turns out that he knew about this months and months before it came out. 

His response..

And the ever so cool Gordon Gee’s response…


and if you want to buy jt’s Book “The Winners Manual” 


you can find it on


  1. First off, I didn't watch the videos.

    But, I think he's a POS and is as dirty as they come. He just has the calm demeanor that allows him to not seem like a creep like Petino, Petrino, Huggins, Spurrier(Although I like him), RichRod, Chizick, etc. you get my point.

    Two games is bullshit and they should probably fire his ass. When's the last time you heard of a coach in NCAAF getting a two game suspension?

  2. And don't forget those two games are against Akron and Toledo I think

  3. Akron and Toledo and then back in time for the U

  4. Does any of this surprise you guys anymore? If the NCAA is going to be as soft as they were on several teams last year, do you expect the schools to be any different? How many of you saw the article in SI (I think) about crime and college athletics? It is dirty from top to bottom and no team - my favorites included - is exempt from that statement.

  5. great article in SI - I gained even more respect for Gary Paterson of TCU after that than i had before and he was already pretty high up on my list.

  6. No it doesn't suprise me that they cheat BP. What suprises me is them finally getting caught. I agree everyone cheats, I just think it's on a different scale from school to school. I will admit that I think the SEC is by far the most corrupt.

  7. Reese, on your "scale" where do Virgina Tech, Miami, FSU, and UNC stack up?? I would say that the ACC is neck and neck and with the SEC.

  8. I'll give you FSU and UNC, but for some reason I don't think VT is as bad as them. It may just be the sleeze factor the other two schools have a reputation for. Believe it or not Randy Shannon kind of cleaned up the image if Da U and it shows in the win/loss dept. Normally "if you ain't cheatin, you ain't tryin".

  9. I don't agree with your statement that the SEC is the most corrupt or that they cheat anymore than the rest of the country. However - and you won't like this - seeing how the SEC in consistently the best CFB conference year in, year out, the spotlight always shines a little brighter there. They are under a much stronger magnifying glass. But you are correct that they all cheat.

    As for Tressel, it is cool to see his lily white image take a hit. His "Mr Rogers" v-necks always bothered me!!

