Thursday, March 3, 2011

Leprechaun Sighting

Holy Shit!!  A Leprechaun has been sighted in Mobile Alabama! 

If you don’t believe me – Listen to what these people have to say.

If you want the “Best of” then let the video buffer and go to 27 seconds, 43 seconds and 58 seconds


  1. Joseph:

    I'm not one to normally burst bubbles, but this is old as hell. I think it may have even been a post a few years back. Regardless, any post is a good post.

  2. apologizes, I try to hold myself to a higher standard.

  3. plus, i posted the sheen interview and didn't even notice that you had posted it as well. I'm trying to hard, pressing... It got me out of the slump I was in be i have to harness it better.

