Tuesday, July 6, 2010

I am getting married.....

I figured since Joe can make posts about having another baby girl - god bless you man - I should be able to make a post about getting married this weekend. My girl and I leave for Jamaica on Thursday morning and will be getting married this Saturday afternoon on the beach. Everyone keeps asking me if I am nervous or am I ready to run and I don't get it. Am I missing something? We have lived together for two years and I think I know this woman pretty well, but evidently the minute I say "I Do" and put another ring on it, she is going to turn into a she-devil and destroy my life. Anyway, I figured that this cast of characters would be chock full of bad marriage advice and horror stories so please fire away.


  1. Have you guys found out the sex of the baby yet?

  2. Actually, marriage is good, no matter what the rest of these idiots say. The only downer being, you can no longer do what YOU want to do whenver you want to do it. Pros outweigh cons in my opinion and if you've lived with her, there shouldn't be any crazy surprises. Just make sure she isn't the type who's been doing everything she can to get married and as soon as you say the I do's she starts eating and letting herself go. In all seriousness, Congrats to you and have a good time on the honeymoon.

  3. I don't know I have never been married but it can't be too bad or Matt Thomas wouldn't be doing it AGAIN!

  4. dude, Marriage is great. I mean don't get me wrong here, the sex drops off drastically but so do your looks. She will keep herself up a lot better than you. It is fun to have someone to come home to and when you have kids with this person it will make it more special than you can imagine. I know what you mean about "nervous" question.. it will get worse the day of. just come up with a witty answer like "no, so fuck off" and you should be fine.

    congrats brother, i'm proud of you.

    (you may want to get a perspective form reese.. it may be a little different than john and i)

