Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Thoughts on the game....

First off, congrats to Auburn. That was one helluva game last night. I wasn't expecting the defensive battle that we got, but it made the game a great one to watch. Couple of things and then I am done....

1. Dyer is a stud and is going to be tough to face for the next few years. He obviously was good throughout the regular season but he showed out last night.
2. Nick Fairley is a dirty piece of shit. He has been taking cheap shots all year long and that BS that he pulled when he shoved James' face was just more proof. The Barn fans can say whatever they want, but time and time again he has shown that he is cheap & dirty.
3. Cam Newton is great, but I have heard all I ever care to hear about him. This shit has gotten worse than when Tebow was in school. Call it jealousy, being a sore loser, hater, etc - I don't care.
4. In my opinion, the Oregon coaching staff had a terrible game plan.

So now starts the most boring time of the year.......the off season. That time of the year when college football is no more.




  1. Pretty much agree with all of this. Cam has gotten his head so big they may have to order special helmets next year. The guy is good, and I'm not saying the coverage of him is his fault, b/c I realize its the media. But he LOVES IT. I'm not gonna bang on him too much b/c I'd like to think I would act differently, but who knows how you'd react with a microphone and camera in your face every time you turn around. Congrats AU, congrats to Pepper. Its hard to admit but all UGA fans like myself are now jealous of the achievements of both bama schools lately.

  2. I agree with the above comments, but I think the most important aspect of the game was left out,the CHEERLEADERS. Oregon won this aspect by a land side. It looked like the NFL v. NCAA.

    Congrats to AU.


