Would it really surprise anyone? Back in the playoffs it was reported that Lee's wife was spit on and verbally assaulted by Yankee fans. Did anyone actually think that this would stop him from (potentially) signing with the them?
Now I don't know her from the next famous trophy wife, but I don't see the following conversation taking place:
Cliff Lee: Honey, should I take the $160 million that the Yankees are offering me?
Wife: No dear. The fans spit on me and called me a whore.
Cliff Lee: You are right babe. I should take less money and stay in Texas. Thanks for the advice.
I picture it more like this:
Cliff Lee: Packs you bags trick. Daddy is getting paid and we are heading to NYC.
I am not even sure how many of the bloggers follow baseball. Just thought I would see what anyone had to say.
Thanks for the pic Joe. Is it just me or does his wife look like she is about 17 years old? Dern.....