Well I guess this will be my last post about American Idol this year and I was trying to put into words how I felt when Lee was announced the winner and I personally felt that Crystal should have won… I obviously wasn’t the only person that felt this way.
"the degenerate gamblers guide to talking shit, telling stories, and giving horrible advice on picks"
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Hump Day
Idol – last night I think Crystal won American Idol. I just believe that she has the best “talent” - I am very happy to say that who ever is announced the winner tonight that it will not be an upset. Lee is great and I’m just happy that after watching this season that I am guaranteed not to be disappointed who ever wins.
Dancing with the Stars – Erin Andrews career on DWTS is officially over. So I will no longer be watching.
I don’t know if any of you people have been watching “Justified” on FX but it is my favorite show on TV right now. It’s about a US Marshal in Kentucky named Raylan Givins and he is a bad ass. I have not missed 1 minute of 1 show and it has become Traci and I’s TV show. Soprano’s used to be our TV night together and no matter what was going on we watched the Soprano’s together and now we have Justified. (i am not comparing the two – i’m just saying if your looking for a good show that your better half will also enjoy then its a good one. I’m not sure if any show will ever even come close to the Sopranos)
It looks like the Suns are not going to just roll over and die. I think that this screams just how important Steve Nash is. When we have watched Labron and Howard just tuck their tales between their legs and run, its nice to see someone like Nash lead his team to back to back wins after being down 2-0. I really hope that he can carry them to the finals and beat the Celtics. We all know that a Championship ring separates the great players and I think he disserves one.
BP – I’ m kinda of sick of hearing everyone bash BP. I may be in the minority here but shut up. They are doing everything they can to resolve this problem and it makes me sick to hear people bitch and moan and then go get in their 15 MPG SUV. I guess what I’m trying to say is that this Oil Spill bothers me a great deal. But most of it is for selfish reasons so I just keep my mouth shut. I heard someone the other day say how happy they were that the Spill is going to miss Destin. I asked how they felt about it hitting the keys and isn’t that just as bad? No response. I fell so sorry for all of the people that this will have an impact on and pray that something like this will never happen again. But to be very honest, praying is pretty much all I am going to do. I will continue to drive a 4x4 F150 and a 4x4 Suburban that get horrible fuel economy and I have no plans of changing any of my habits to try and reduce the amount of oil this country is so dependent on. Someone please tell me where I am wrong here.
June is going to be a HUGE month for me. I have Bamajam coming up in just a week in a half and then just 2 weeks later I have the best fishing trip I have ever gone on in Boca Raton Fl. We will be in the prime Tarpon run and will be catching some of the hardest fighting fish in the ocean. While getting them to the boat you have 100’s of hammer head sharks trying to eat them. I tell you, this should be very very fun.
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Ok, when I say these are the best 2 people on the show when their are 12 left… you should listen. If you hadn’t watched Idol in two months but you read my post of who my Top 5 are then you already know who the final 2 are. It’s tight right now. If you are making your call based on recent performances then you like Lee but if you are basing it on the entire show then you are probably going with Crystal. I’m starting to think that Crystal picked a little to early. Did she get her teeth fixed? I am going to look at some old and new pictures but for some reason I thought her teeth looked a lot better than they used too.
Looking like we are going to have a good old fashion Celtics Lakers Championship. I love it. I have to say that I picked the Magic to beat the Celtics because I said that their is no way the Old bastards could come back after fighting against the Cav’s but… they fight. With the Lakers being beat up as well, we should have a pretty damn good finals.
J-Hey. Come on man. Are you just made for clutch hitting? I sure wish we had some other players so we could get the chance to watch you get up in a game 7 9th inning.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
American Idol
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Friday, May 14, 2010
Reese is Slow
Reese cup wanted me to post 2 videos that, in his mind, are “Classics” – I tried my best to walk him through how to post videos but he is un able to learn… so here are 2 videos from Reese Cup
On March 17th I picked my Top 5 Idol contestants and said this.. “Anyone other than these 5 people make it to the final 3 then i will never watch Idol again.” You can go read it HERE – The 5 people I choose were #1 Crystal Bowersox; #2 Lee Dewyze; #5 Casey James. I am happy to say that the final 3 were in my Top 5 2 months ago when their were 12. I don’t think that is to shabby.
What I do think is very shabby is Lebron James. I will call him King James when he has a ring. For now he should be called lil Jimmy – The Celtics proved that a good team can beat a great player in a best of 7 series more times than not. I am happy for KG, Paul P, Rajon Rhondo, and Rasheed Wallace (dont really care about big babby davis and dont know many of the others) – The next matchups are going to be NBA basketball at its best. Now I can start watching. Last night was the first game that I watched in its entirety all year. I had caught a qt here or a half there but never bell to bell this year until last night. ANd thats really par for the course for me with the NBA. Conference finals is when I get involved enough to watch entire games or exception of an elimination game between 2 good teams like last night. As for the Conf-Finals; who do we like? Orlando vs. Boston and Phoenix vs. Lakers – I love me some Kobe and didn’t like what the “Los Suns” did with the their jerseys but I really want Nash to get a ring and this year may be his last real chance. The other series I plan on watching the first couple of games and getting a feel for who I want to win. I do like the Magic’s Head Coach Stan Van Gundy and it will be interesting to see a Doc Rivers, who I also like, go and try to beat the team who gave him his start in Professional coaching. Should be good stuff.
A buddy, Adam Vinson, had this on his FB page yesterday and Culpepper and I both stole it and put it on ours so I thought I would share it with some of you that may have missed it. I also shared it with Starrett yesterday.
That guy is special
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Top 25
This is the final draft – any disputes are arguments need to be brought up right now.
1) Bama
2) Ohio St
3) Boise St
4) Virginia Tech
5) Texas
6) Florida
7) Iowa
8) Nebraska
9) TCU
10) USC
11) Arkansas
12) Pitt
13) LSU
14) Oklahoma
15) Miami
16) Oregon
17) Wisconsin
18) UNC
19) UGA
20) Auburn
21) Georgia Tech
22) Washington
24) Penn St
25) FSU
Poll Update
Good stuff so far – this is where I’m thinking teams are stacking up. Let me know where you have you have a problem. and instead of just attacking someone or some team (which it perfectly ok to do both of those things) also list where you think the team should be
16) Oregon
18) Wisconsin
19) UNC
20) Georgia – they beat both Tech and Auburn last year and everyone will agree that they are going to be better this year
21) Auburn – Just Cause
22) Tech – I have been making phone calls speaking with people that have absoulty no affliation with Georgia or Tech and every one has said that Tech is not better than Ga or Auburn. I’m sorry Reese.
23) Washington
25) Penn State
again, if you have a problem – then make a suggestion (after you attack)
16 – 20
1)Bama; 2)Ohio st; 3)Boise St; 4)VT; 5)Texas; 6)Fla; 7) Iowa; 8)Nebraska; 9)TCU; 10)USC; 11)Arkansas; 12)Pitt; 13)LSU; 14)OU'; 15)Miami
Best of the Rest
Wisconsin – finished last year 10-3 and has 17 returning starters including a QB
FSU – All new Defensive coaches, New Head Coach – and this team wasn’t all that good last year.
Stanford – To me the only reason this team is being mentioned is their QB being one of the best in the Pac-10 and the fact that anybody could win the Pac
UNC – Probably about the time we should start considering the Tar Heels.
Georgia Tech – I’m thinking around the 17ish range
Washington – Who’s do you like more, Stanford or Washington? which ever it is gets to be in the Top 20 and the other will probably slide out of the top 25
Penn St – Finished last year ranked #9 but lost, not just the QB, their leader.
Cinncy – When tony Pike went down Zach Collaros (i googled it) stepped in with a 75% accy with 10 TD’s and 2 picks. he may not have the build as Pike but I dont think their will be a huge drop off, if any, in the QB position. The Coaching worries me more than anything.
Oregon State, Utah, and UConn are in the talks.
I don’t think that Georgia or Auburn disserves to be in the Top 25 even though I think both will end up there.
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
1) Bama; 2) Ohio St; 3) Boise St; 4) VT; 5) Texas; 6) Fla; 7) Iowa; 8) Nebraska; 9) TCU; 10) USC
Teams up for the conversation…
Oklahoma – You almost have to put OU somewhere in the mix here. I know they lost a ton but its not like they have scrubs that are going to fill in
FSU – I’m going to need some persuasion here. Not just Jimbo’s first year as FSU’s head coach but its his first year EVER as a head coach. Ya’ll are going to need to help me out here
UNC – (see comments below)
Pitt – John threw Pitt out there on his initial poll and I have not looked into them at all. I will right now though. and John if you could let us know why you droped ‘em on us also
Oregon – We are going to have to put the Ducks up on the list pretty soon. 11,12, and no higher than 13.
Stanford – With out the RB (gehard? spelling) I’m not sure. You guys tell me. I was thinking around the 20 mark.
Wisonsin – Returning 17 starters including the QB from a 10-3 team last year. I’m thinking they deserve to be in the top 15 with all of the returners off such a good team.
Georgia Tech – Reese, your vote does not count here. Switching from a 4-3 to a 3-4 is going to be a transition but with 2 head coaches the Jackets are going to be good
Miami – I love Miami this year. They are my sleeper team this year. Jacory Harris is got to stop throwing picks though
Arkansas – Jody dropped Arkansas in his Top 5 and I think we are in the area where they need to be now.
LSU – returning qb and what I expect to be a really good D
Let me know if any other team deserves to be in the talks for 11-15
6 through 10
I’m going to make this a little easier to follow for our loyal viewers. which, by the way, amazes me every time a check stats and see just how many different computers are looking at this every day. would love for some of yall to chime in.
Teams that are being mentioned for 6-10
Iowa, Fla, OU, FSU, Nebraska, TCU, UNC, Oregon, Pitt, USC, and Stanford.
Iowa – is not in John’s top 10, Reese had them in his top 5 and now has them 6, I’m not real sold on them but wouldn’t have a problem with a 8ish ranking, Culpepper had them @5
Florida – John has @9, Reese has @7, Culpepper had them @10 so I think we all can agree about where Fla is
OU – Reese has them @8, John does not have them in his top 10, Culpepper didn’t have them in his top 10, and I dont like them much either. So OU may be looking at a 11-15 and really only getting that because of reputation
FSU – John says no, Reese likes @9, Culpepper doesn’t really like, I don’t first year head coaches – so probably dropping FSU out of the Top 10
Nebraska – John has @ 8, Reese @9, I think Culpepper likes Nebraska in this same general area (correct me if im wrong), and I really like Nebraska.
TCU – John @ 7, Reese says no, Brad likes them in the same 7ish area that John does, and I really like them also.
UNC – you guys tell me if you think different but I think their Defense puts them in the Top 15 but not top 10.
Oregon – Culpepper makes a good point about the QB but Chip Kelley is pretty damn good at coaching QB’s up. John has them as high as 6, I think Jody had them in his top 5, Reese didnt like them, and I think we almost have to have a Pac-10 school in the top 10 im just not sure if its USC or Oregon.
Pitt – Obviously this is John’s sleeper team since he is the only person mentioning them and I do want to give them a little respect but not top 10 respect
USC / Stanford – Really I think we just need to pick 1 Pac-10 school and put them in and put the others somewhere outside the top 10
What do yall think about this
6) Fla
7) Iowa
8) Nebraska
9) TCU
10) Oregon
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Poll update
Maybe this was a bad idea… I just got Culpepper’s top 10 and I’m starting to think that maybe we will never be able to all agree on a Top 5 let alone top 25. He agrees with 1 and 2 but then he goes - 3)Boise St; 4)VT; 5)Iowa; 6) TCU; 7) UNC; 8) Stanford; 9) Texas; 10) Florida 11) Arkansas
His thoughts on Florida are very interesting. How much offense did Cooper, Tebow, and Hernadez account for? HUGE!!
Reese wants Florida ahead of Virginia Tech but it looks like VT is going to jump ahead of them based on majority rules.
1) Bama
2) Ohio St
3) Boise St
4) Virginia Tech
5) Texas
Tell me to go to hell but this is looking like what its going to be.
Lets start working on 6 through 10
Alright, got alot of input on the last post and so I wanted to just start a new one and catch up. After Jody, John, Reese, And myself (also Culpepper had some phone input) I have sorted through all of the comments and let me know if everyone can accept this..
#1 Bama
#2 Ohio State
#3 Texas
#4 Boise State
#5 Florida
#6 Virginia Tech
this is about as fair as I could think with everyone’s input. Tell me if you see other wise. If not we can start on 7 through 10 talks with Iowa and Oregon leading the way.

Monday, May 10, 2010
Pre-Season Polls
I hate pre-season polls. Wait a minute, let me rephrase that. I love pre-season polls… ok, can I love and hate them? Because I think I do. We have a unique relationship, pre-season polls and myself. See, I hate the fact that pre-season polls can have a HUGE impact on who plays, or doesn’t play, for the National Championship (Auburn ‘04) but I absolutely love looking at them. I will buy every pre-season magazine I see and read them from cover to cover. I will make notes on them that I will never go back and read. I just love looking at them.
Well, since I am a journalist now and trying to get recognized by the associated press so I can have a “official” AP vote – I need a pre-season poll. WE need a preseason poll. And instead of just writing down 10 teams and tallying them up – lets debate it and agree on it. Then we will have OUR first annual “SOUTHERN FRIED PRE-SEASON POLL” and with its success we can continue it though the regular season. Should be good. With everything you need a Commissioner and since I did start this blog then I will be placing myself in that position – also I will be placing Reese as Associate Commissioner to make sure that I am handling the poll with as little bias as possible. I want to try and take this poll pretty serious. So understand that we will be arguing about where teams should be and your not going to get your way every time so don’t get your feelings hurt and stop making suggestions. Also, the amount of people that agree with teams is huge. So even if you are just a reader, a comment just saying “I agree with Brad here” goes a long way.
Thank you in advance for making the SOUTHERN FRIED POLL a huge success
Here are some teams that I would like to start with. Lets agree on a Top 5 and then move forward from there.
#1 Alabama – I do not think that Alabama will repeat with the losses they had on Defense (2 1st rounder's and 2 2nd rounder's on from the Defensive side of the ball) and with the target on their back. I do think that Saban is the best coach in college football, and they are the most talented team in the country, but their is a reason no one goes back to back. But I don’t think anyone can argue that they are the pre-season #1
#2 Texas – Strong Safety went in the 1st round, also had 2 other Defensive players in the 2nd round and McCoy and Shipley being gone on Offense will have to hurt the long horns
#3 Ohio State – Averaged over 29 points per game last year and didn’t have an offensive player drafted. Actually they didn’t even have a player drafted in the first 3 rounds. Weak Big 10 equals Ohio State in top 5.
#4 Virginia Tech – Tech didn’t lose much from a team last year that only lost 3 games and they open this year up with a Boise State team that will probably have a single digit ranking next to their name. Last years loss to Alabama to open the season will have a impact on this years team and Boise State will shit themselves when “Enter Sandman” starts and the place goes nuts. After Tech wins this game then they will be up in the Top 5.
I can’t put Boise State in the Top 5, just cant do it. Who goes next? Oregon with out a QB? Florida maybe? TCU? Surely not Iowa? Nebraska maybe? Wisconsin?
Remember we got 6 – 10 as soon as we figure out the Top 5. Then we go after 11-15. Then wrap it up with 16 –25, which should really be fun.
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Los Suns??
I guess if I really cared then I would look into the Arizona law that was recently passed about immigration – and its obvious if you have ever read one of my posts that I am not ashamed to show my ignorance.. So here goes. My understanding of this law is that law enforcement officials have the right to ask people that look like they may not be in the United States legally for an I.D. and/or Visa. If the person can not provide valid information stating that they are here legally then the officer arrests them. (if i am way off base here someone correct me please) People against the law like the Phoenix Suns are being very vocal – changing their Uniforms in the playoffs to Los Suns… Why? Why on earth would you do this if your the Suns? Are you worried that you are going to have to find someone else to cut your grass or spread your pine straw? Racial Profiling is the biggest problem that people are having with this, not the grass cutting. If the police drove by my house and pulled in to my drive way - said to me that their is a killer in this area and he is 6ft, 220ish, White, with dark hair and we would like to ask you a couple of questions. I would be more than happy to help out how ever I could, profile me - then exclude me - then go on with your investigation. I don’t see the problem. (on a side note, I do like it when the people at the pre pay pumps profile me and go ahead and turn the pump on – guess most of the drive offs don’t come from tall good looking white guys) – So back to the Suns. What are they going to gain by being vocal on this issue vs. What can they possibly lose? Simple Risk vs. Reward equation. Risks? Lose support from everyone in the state that is for the law which is obviously a large part if the bill passed. Reward?…. I can not think of something they could gain here? Maybe because I am for the law or at least what I know about it…
Speaking of Mexicans. Last night we all went out to eat, of course at a Mexican place, and I realized that their were nothing but Americans celebrating a Mexican Holiday while Mexicans worked their asses off. Our waiter was literally sweating profusely while tending to his tables. I felt kind of bad. But then a really Fat couple tried to sit down in the booth next to us… TRIED!! but failed. The guy went to sit down first and stopped right before his gut hit the table and then raised back up. His lady friend then went for it and didn’t even make it as far as he did. She then said, “lets just sit over here” and pointed at the table behind me. Then she sat down and her chair slid into mine pushing me forward. I was tickled and scared at the same time. Then I heard her tell the waiter, “2 cheese dips and a Diet Coke please.” I turned around and said, “Its a tight Squeeze, aint it?” ok, I made that last part up -I didn’t say anything.
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Mayo 5th
Lacrosse Murder – this is just crazy. this guy admits to “shaking her” and while shaking her head hit the wall several times.. she was found in a pool blood with a large bruise on her face… this makes me sick and I don’t know if the guy has admitted guilt (and if he hasn’t then he is presumed innocent – remember the Duke case) but if he has admitted guilt then I hope that Virginia brings the pain on this Bastard.
Braves – I don’t know what is going on here but the season is not very old and we were talking earlier about the team chemistry and how good we felt about this years possibilities but it appears that we have the Braves of old.. not 90’s old, more like the 80’s. If you can’t beat the Nationals then we have major issues.
Conference realignment – This could get very interesting after its all said and done but it could also end up with the Big 10 just adding 1 more team and then its over. SI has a article that I just started reading this morning but hadn’t finished and they have a scenario that ends up with 3 power conferences. Pac-10 Big –10 and SEC all having 16 teams. This could be very dangerous for anyone that is not in these power conferences – which I really don’t have a problem with. This could end up being pretty cool though. Have 3 Conf. Championships and 1 non-power conference and you have a 4 team play off. I would be ok with this but I would still fear this 4 team playoff expanding later into 8 then 16 then 24.
What are your thoughts on Conference realignment. Who would you like to see added to conferences?
The Man, The Myth, The Legend
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Just got back from our first ultra sound. Well, not exactly our first one – our first one on this one. Good news is that their is only one in there and we should find out if he has a pecker or not in 2 months. We will be having C section since the other two were done that way and Doc wants to schedule it about a week before the due date which is Dec. 8th. Looks like I may be watching the Dawgs win the SEC championship from a hospital…
Guy runs on to the field in Phillie and gets tasered… uhhh believe that will work. 8 years ago I was the guy that would run on to the field. never did, but I was “that guy” – if I knew that I would be tasered instead of just tackeled then I would choose not to do it. So good call on the Taser. (im not sure i am spelling taser right) – check out how it drops him. very nice.
several Phillies had there gloves over their face covering up the laughter.
Chad 8-5 stepped it up last night on Dancing with the Stars – he is still probably around 3 or 4th place behind the gay looking guy with slick black hair and the girl from the pussy cat dolls. She has to be the favorite to win this thing. I am proud of Pam Anderson for giving her best, she sure is a Trooper.
Any predictions on the Sex of the Baby and Any name suggestions??
Monday, May 3, 2010
Monday Monday
I have been slacking on the post recently and I do apologize for it. I don’t have much to say today either but wanted to give my opinion on a couple of things that are going on..
Tiger missed the cut – and he didn’t just miss it. He wasn’t close to making the cut. After 36 holes he was 18 shots off the leader. Can we take anything from this? I think when we see any athletes' performance drop this much we have to look in to it at least a little bit but If I had to bet if he wins another major with in the next 2 years – I will go with yes. Why? Not sure, other than the fact that he is Tiger. McEIlroy finished the day with 6 straight 3’s to win the tournament in what appeared (i didn’t watch) to be a great final day of golf.
Weather – sucks.
Oil Spill – This thing is getting very nasty. I really hope that BP gets the problem fixed and the damages to the coast and wildlife are not as bad as some are saying they could be… I got a bad feeling about it though. Question: Do you have the right to bitch about these oil companies when you do absolutely nothing to do your part in trying to reduce the consumption of fuel? I mean, I can’t really talk bad about BP then go get in my Suburban can I?
So its Monday, bad weather, oil pumping in the Gulf at a ridiculous rate, Nashville is flooding, and I am having a hard time trying to find something positive to write about… Everytime I look outside this is the song I hear in my head….
If that song is still playing STOP IT!!! Wake up people, It aint that bad. We got… uhhh… uhhhh…
We got the special Olympics
Blog Archive
- Idol
- Hump Day
- Here you go Reese, for memories sake...
- Nice write up on Saint Richt!!
- Thursday
- here are the videos that John posted -
- American Idol
- Just sayin'
- Reese is Slow
- Friday
- Top 25
- Just a little something for Pepper
- Poll Update
- 16 – 20
- 11-15
- 6 through 10
- Poll update
- Poll
- Sleeper's???
- Pre-Season Polls
- Los Suns??
- Mayo 5th
- The Man, The Myth, The Legend
- Tuesday
- Monday Monday