OK so we all realize all UGA players are thugs. It matters not that they are animals, but that they can run fast and talk shit like a bunch of inbreeds. I came across THIS (click the link)today and with it being April fools I didn't know to believe it or take it as a joke. It's kind of like "The boy who cried wolf". These punks have done so much shit in the past that this doesn't really shock me. So I ask is this real or fake??????
Added pic just to get some views.
FAKE!!! the hunker down part and the fact that the cab driver says that is his home boy but does not know any names??? come on reese. Find where the tech students got crazy last night and studied till midnight missing their curfew by an hour.
ReplyDeleteI don't know Joe, this story has grown legs on the Porch (Dawgpost). I'll copy and paste what one poster posted about this subject as everyone is scrambling to find out if this is true or not....
ReplyDeleteConfirmation it is not a hoax...
Email from Red and Black...
"My name is Ed Morales and I am the editorial adviser at The Red & Black. It's not a hoax at all, part of the reason the report is added on the Web site is so people didn't think we made it up as an April Fools joke.
Thanks for reading,
Ed Morales
Editorial Adviser
The Red & Black"
The main guy at Dawgpost said and I quote "The R&B didn't make anything up, but I don't have anything to add to it". As I told Reese, if this is true, find the kids who did this and send them on there way, we don't need this kind of person dressing in Red and Black.
in the story it states that the driver said that was his homeboy derek. then at the end it states that the driver knew none of the identities. if he didnt know any of the identities then how are they assuming that they are football players? the football players are based on the driver saying that all were georgia football players according to the driver. the story contradicts itself man
ReplyDeleteI say round these sunsabitches up and put them in the ring with The Minnesota Wrecking Crew for a lil while. For those of you slap dicks that dont' know who I'm talking about........That would be Ole and Double A.
ReplyDeleteSo what's the latest?
ReplyDeleteOf course he "claimed not to know them" if you read the report Joe, the taxi driver said that's my homeboy Derek as they got into the cab. After the incident when he realized that the white dude was going to file a police report he suddenly forgot his homeboys name.
ReplyDeletethe driver was the guy that said that was his homeboy, the same guy that got smacked in the head, the same guy who filed the report -
ReplyDeleteRead the first part agian. The driver was not the guy who got smacked in the head he picked up the victims first!
ReplyDeleteyea, your right... but dont you think its ironac that it says "hunker down" in the story
ReplyDeleteJoe, its a legit story, Richt has acknowleged that he knows about it. Now, if its truly football players involved, that is speculation. But the story is true.
ReplyDeletei meant to spell check that, ironic
ReplyDeleteAnd let me add, the best part of this story is the pic. Well done Reese.
ReplyDeletewell shit john. i still dont think its football players.
ReplyDeleteyes reese. good reporting
ReplyDeleteDo you realize that hunker down was a phrase long before Larry Munson used? It is an accurate way to describe some one getting down and bracing themselves for an attack. Look it up it is in the dictionary.
ReplyDeletethe phrase "hunker down" was never uttered before larry said it, or "hob nail boot", or "run you herschel"
ReplyDeleteactually, webster paid larry munson to be a consultant when putting the dictionary together.
Spoke like a true UGAy fan. When you run into your own ignorance just start talking shit. This is why everybody loves you guys.
ReplyDeleteDo you really think people enjoy AU fans? The second rated Alabama school whose fans think they are a top tier program? Come on, let a little reality slap you in the face, ok?
ReplyDeleteYes John people do enjoy Auburn fans. Actually all of my friends who are not Alabama fans don't have a problem with AU. I challenge you to call anyone in your phone who is not a UGAy fan and ask them which SEC team they want to loose the most, I already know what the answer will be, I have sat in front of several UGAy fans while they did it and listened to the cry afterwards when everyone said UGAy. Oh by the way you don't have as many rivalry games as you think sorry but Auburn, Florida, Alabama, UT, or LSU does not concider you their biggest rival so get over it. I will admitt they all hate you guys and want to shut you up but that is about as far as it goes. But hey don't feel bad it is spring time, time for UGAy fans to fire up that National Championship talk, so I am sure you won't dwell on this too long as you guys are proabably deciding which one of your sophmore QB's you want to nominate for the Heisman this year. What is a top "tier" program in my opinion we are not a top tier program because you can't be on that top tier unless you have a recent National Championship. Winning ten games every other year also does not make you top tier. Nor does winning 2 sugar bowls 1. against an 8-4 FSU team with a third string QB and 2. Hawaii. Yeah I hope we get to that tier soon *fingers crossed*.
ReplyDeleteDid I say we are all of those teams biggest rivals? Don't think so. Honestly, I would say we a bigger rival to all of those schools over Auburn besides Alabama. LSU would probably be a coin flip since you guys have an advantage of playing them every year. Fact of the matter is, Auburn is in danger of falling to Kentucky, Ole Miss status. Georgia is not. And, its gonna be hard to nominate one of our sophomore QB's for heisman considering we don't have a SO QB on the roster. Do a litle homework before you go flaming away ok. I don't bash AU's roster b/c to be honest, I don't know of anyone on their team, scary.
ReplyDeletei know that guy that stole that lap top at fla. speaking of thugs.
ReplyDeleteWell if we are falling to Kentucky status because we lost to them then so are you guys. Sorry redshirt freshmen QB. If you don't know anyone their team then you must not follow UGAy recruiting oryou would have seen 3 lineman you guys were supposed to get sign with us at the last minute. And to not know who the number 2 overall RB recruit in the nation is just shows and proves UGAy fans shouldn't be able to argue football because they only watch their team.
ReplyDeleteI say we settle this sometime this summer. Let's all get together and battle. No weapons, just good ole fashion bare knuckle slinging and ball sqeezing if you have to. .
ReplyDeleteJohn we shall have to call a truce today as I am going to try and get in 36 holes and will be to drunk to defend myself until well into Saturday afternoon.
ReplyDeleteI was actually referring to kids who played last year, not recruits and their "rankings". I follow recruiting closely, but I don't buy into the hype as you do before they produce on the big stage. Take Marlon Brown for instance, our WR recruit who came in as the "next AJ Green" per recruiting sites. Well he had two catches on the year. So don't go talking about all of your great recruits until they produce on Saturdays. And you definitely shouldn't be talking about how great your signing class was when you have Alabama raping your state of all talent. I also was not saying AU is in danger of falling to Kentucky status b/c you lost to them, its more of where your program seems to be headed. You have Alabama dominating the state, and I realize that you guys beat them 5 or 6 times in a row a few years back, but the way they are going about dominating the past two years in the games and recruiting is a lot different. Listen, I'm not an AU hater, but I'm tired of you busting on UGA and our fan base every chance you get. And btw, the UGAy reference is not even close to funny, so you may want to drop that, just an FYI. Good luck to you guys not becoming doormats.
ReplyDeleteOnce again you have proven to be a true UGAy (I wouldn't think it was funny if I were a Georgia fan either) fan. I was not talking about Georgia or Auburns teams I said fans! Unlike a Georgia I cannot predict every spring how good or bad my team will be there are to many variables you seem to know none of AUs players but yet know that we will be bad. Thank you for proving my point.
ReplyDeleteNot knowing players b/c no one stands out. A lot like Kentucky. All fan bases have their extremists. I know all to well that UGA has their share of them. But you act like AU has none. BTW, are you guys the Tigers? War Eagles? Doormats? or what?
ReplyDeleteJohn, i would actually put you in that "extremists" category. and i think most would agree with me. I know reese would.
ReplyDeleteAnd Culpepper, i was at the iron bowl this year and have never witnessed a group of fans that bad. My brother in law had his 5 year old daughter with him (wearing bama colors) and you could hear auburn people yelling shit towards the little girl, but they would make sure they couldnt be seen.
And i dont think either fan bases are as bad as Alabama. but thats because i live here... ie culpepper in ga, rusty in ga, etc.. if you live in a different state than the team you pull for then odds are you are going to hate that school.
good stuff today guys, enjoyed.
FU Schell, you are the extremist as pointed out by this post. I said, if true, kick the guys off the team. That is far from an extremist. You on the other hand, continued to act like the story is bullshit and won't concede some of our players are complete toolbags.