hang it up man. go back down to southern mississippi and deer hunt, fish, hang out at the local gas station and let people tell you how good you are. cause thats what its all about itsnt it brett? dont you just want to feel wanted. dont you just want programs to go out of their way, to put jobs on the line, to cause all kind of controvsy just for you? thats what its all about aint it brett? are you going to go on fox news this year? how many times are you going to lie between now and the beginning of next season brett? oh, you dont want to talk about it right now? ok, my bad. since you are brett favre i guess what ever you say goes. but before you ride off to do your next wrangler commercial can i ask you what it feels like to be in the NFC championship game twice in 3 years and end both games the exacte same way... with a pick? i guess you wouldnt have it any other way would you brett? i mean who else are you going to let win or lose the game? well brett, you can rest assured that i dont give 2 shits whether you come back, retire, go on greta, or coach a high school team. i could care less brett, because im sick of you. im sick of hearing about you. im sick of seeing you. and maybe, just maybe, the vikings are sick of you also. i mean hell, you have burned every bridge you have ever crossed so be sure not to let this one pass you by.
So lets talk about the big one. im sure we will have plenty of talk about which side to be on in this game and intially what im looking at is the point movement. what made the points move from 4 to 5 1/2? and why so fast? and whats up with the total? it drops from 56 to 55 1/2 and then climbs back up to 56 1/2. so the early money is obvioulsy going on Colts and Under and then others are jumping on the over to move it back up. I do like the fact that the colts have the "been there done that" on their side and playing a super bowl virgin. The saints didnt handle the pressure that good towards the end of the season when they were still undeffeated. but 5 1/2? the colts seem to be really good and after watching the saints/vikings game you really had to have the feeling that the vikings lost the game more than the saints won it. plus i spoke to a guy today that was at the game and he said, "joe, it was the loudest i had ever heard that place. i go to 3 or 4 lsu games a year and death valley has never been that loud." wow, saints had a huge home field advantage, playing a 40 year old qb that they put on the ground every other play (it seemed), plus the vikings turned the ball over 15 times (again, it seemed), and the saints still had to go in over time to win... i love dogs and i love them even more in the super bowl but im leaning towards the colts early. stay tuned for either a change of heart or a stronger feeling...
As far as the Super Bowl I am going with Saints. The reason I am making this pick is very simple. Archie is an idol in NO, and I think he will some how make Payton sick, maybe food poison or tell him Eli is his favorite son.
ReplyDeleteim going to assume this was jody since the time on this comment was the same as the other one you left. jody, archie has already come out and publicly said that he will be pulling for the colts. "anyone who doesnt understand, is probably not a father." was his quote. does this change your prediction?