"the degenerate gamblers guide to talking shit, telling stories, and giving horrible advice on picks"
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Pac 12. Who wins?

Wednesday, June 29, 2011
False Advertising
Maybe people I am friends with on Facebook don’t look at this blog… if they do, well, this may piss this young lady off.
Here is an example of a ‘False Advertised’ Profile Picture.
Here is the Profile Pic.
Lets focus on the breast. This is the profile picture.. this would make you maybe check out a couple more pics. Girl is awful proud of her breast showing them off this much in a public place yet a little classy drinking a glass of wine. But once you dive a little deeper into some more pictures you find out that this dress has a ton of support.
Here are those same breast with out as much support…
Somebody’s friends are a little sadder here in a swim suite.. Let me be clear by saying I have no problem at ALL with support bras.. but I do think it’s a little sad when your profile pic mis-represents your titties.
Russell Wilson
I believe that Russell Wilson choosing Wisconsin over Auburn put Wisconsin in the 'Big ?’ talks and leaves Auburn looking to see what 5 games they can win.
American Golfers Suck
Not long ago I said that American Golfers suck.
According to the ‘World Golf Rankings’ their is only 3 golfers in the Top 10 with the ‘USA’ sign next to their name and only 1 in the Top 5 and he is at 5 and has NEVER won a Major.. Hell he only has finished 2nd one time.
What has happened? Since some of you guys are self titled experts maybe you can help me here.
Monday, June 27, 2011
Big 12 (or 10..)
Is it OU and then err body else??
who is #2 in this shit hole of a conference? don’t say Texas A&M! And we all know that OSU will fall on their faces again, just like they always do. Texas is re-building, something I didn’t think Texas needed to do. I thought they re-loaded. Mizzo will always be mizzo.
Is this the most clear cut conference going into the year?
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Current Time Braves Team
I want to start this team right around the Dale Murphy era. And you have to consider the person a Brave - No Mark Teixeira's ok??
Catcher: McCain with Javy behind him
1b: McGriff with Sid Bream (just because of the Pittsburgh game) behind him
2b: Marcus Giles
Short: Furcal with.. I guess Jeff Blauser behind him
3b: Chipper
LF: Ryan Klesko
CF: Dale Murphy with Andrew Jones behind him
RF: David Justice
Pitching: Smoltz, Maddox, Glavine, with John Rocker as my closer.
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Another Riff
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Who's gonna win the Big X??

Monday, June 20, 2011
World Series
While I'm writing this, UNC is up 2-0 in the top of the 7th on Texas and assuming that lead holds up then that will be all she wrote for Texas after they lost on Saturday to Florida. This will leave UNC facing the loser of tonight's Vandy/Florida match up, which should be a dandy. Florida has gotten the best of Vandy this year but I like Vandy tonight with Garvin (13-1) on the mound (Georgia boy, Suwannee). But don't be suprised at all to see the Gators win... Whitson hasn't lost a start all year (8-0).
The loser of this game will play UNC (assuming that score holds up that mentioned above) and I will take either of the SEC teams over UNC so we will probably have a rematch on 6/24 of tonights game. Bottom Line, either Vandy or Florida is coming out of Bracket #1.
In Bracket #2 you have Virgina facing the returning champ, South Carolina and already with a L beside their names you have California facing Texas A&M. Both of those games will be tomorrow with the losers game at 2 Eastern and the winners game at 7 eastern. The Virgina/South Carolina game, like in Bracket #1, will probably played again also. Who ever loses this game will beat the winner of Cal/A&M. And I will go with South Carolina. So after breaking the brackets down I have come up with 2 teams in Bracket #1 (Fla/Vandy) and 1 team in Bracket #2 (South Carolina)... Wait a minute.. Don't these teams have something in common?
Is the SEC pretty much taking over baseball like they have in Football?
Who I'm picking and Who I'm pulling for.
I'm taking the returning Champ to repeat, and I wouldn't be disappointed in that at all.
I'm pulling for Vandy to get themselves a title. They are the ass end of every SEC joke and I think it would be nice for them to have a National Title in something other than debate (i think i just did a vandy joke).
Jackass star dies
RIP Ryan Dunn, he was one entertaining guy.
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Guitar Riffs
5.Do you feel like we do. (Peter Frampton)
4. Paradise City (GnR)
3.Folsom Prison (Johnny Cash)
2. Dueling Banjos (?) (I know the difference in a banjo and a guitar)
1. Bad to the Bone (George Thorogood)
Again let me stress I know little to nothing about music, so enlighten me with your fast knowledge.
Happy Fathers Day....
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Monday, June 13, 2011
Boxing Hall of Fame
I like the fact that the Boxing Hall of Fame inducted Mike Tyson into the Hall. I think they got it right when they were able to look past some of his ‘issues’ like biting the tip of a man’s ear off. I think it is perfectly clear that Tyson isn’t all there, mentally, and I appreciate that the Hall was able to put him in.
The Sly also got in. Now this was something that I had mixed feelings about… I agree that Rocky was/is the best boxing movie(s) ever made. What leaned towards agreeing with the selection is Sly not only stared in the movie but he also wrote it.
King James
“The Greater Man upstairs know when it's my time. Right now isn't the time.” -Lebron James via Twitter last night after the game
I was speechless last night watching the 4th Quarter. I can not remember an athlete in any sport, professional or armature, that was that soft in the final period of a championship game… I’m not talking about just his stats (Average of 3 pts in the 4th Qt for the Finals series) – because of double and triple teams, which he did get, I’m talking about his attitude. I’m talking about the way he was walking, talking, looking, acting, everything about him had quit on it. He just wanted the game to be over. Even when he was sitting on the bench, he was dead.
And after the game when he lets all his ‘haters’ know that we got to go back to the ‘real world’ and he gets to go on living the way he lives.. well, that didn’t help either lebron.
The reason why you suck so bad in the closing minutes is that you are alone and you know it. You are a human first and basketball player second and you know everyone hates you lebron. You know that everyone is pulling against you lebron. You know that you are public enemy #1 lebron. And I can’t remember a person that won championships while being hated so bad.
Thursday, June 2, 2011
Profile Pic. Profiling
Facebook Profile pictures has gotten my attention lately and I am trying to get a good handle on what profile pics mean.. Here is what I have come up with so far.
- Entire Family
- you have to ask your wife permission to do pretty much anything.. including using the restroom.
- Your Kid
- Odds are you are not liking the way you are looking these days… so instead of making YOUR profile picture you, you make it your kid because that's cuter.
(guess who the father of this little fella is?)
- Just Your Dog
- You are lonely and you don’t like the way you look. (exception to the rule is if your dog just dies)
I had no clue I feel in to this category until I went and looked at my old profile pictures… This is Daisy.
- Just niece/nephew
- Your gay (Reese, since you are in the pic. w/ your Nephews.. you got saved)
- Professional Engagement Photo
- Really? (see Entire Family description)
- Self portrait (w/ cleavage angle)
- Begging for some one to have chat sex with them
- Any Picture older than 15 years
- You have not aged very well… and probably have no current pictures because no one likes you
- Your Car
- You have a very small penis
We are officially 3 days away from departure to the wonderful World of Disney. Traci has already started packing… seriously, she is starting to pack today for a 5 day trip that is 3 days away. The girls are about to piss on themselves they are so pumped up – then there’s me.
I got suggestions coming from EVERYONE that knows we are going. ‘Let me tell you how to do Disney’ - ‘Listen to me on Disney now, I know what I’m talking about’ - ‘Be sure to ask for this’ - ‘oh, if you HAVE to make sure to do this’ – How about you be sure to tell someone who gives a shit what you are suggesting, that would be a good start for you. I have asked a hand full of people their thoughts because I value their opinion, If I hadn’t asked you – then It’s because I don’t value your opinion on Disney. Pretty easy how this works isn’t it?
Southern Fried’s Bucket List
What would be the premiere sporting events that if we feel make up the South’s identity when it comes to sporting events. I want the the top 5.
Rules: It has to be in the South. It doesn’t matter if YOU have been to it, this is Southern Fried’s bucket list not yours personally. Lets try to keep it logically, ie college football games – you could probably list 7 or 8 games but lets try to narrow it down and leave your personal feelings out of it.
The Masters
Kentucky Derby
The Iron bowl
Cocktail Party
Daytona 500
Talk to me!! Tell me what your thinking?
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Left Behind
This is an email I got from a buddy who is down at the beach that he sent to some other friends who obviously are down there with him. I removed names incase anyone had a problem with it. enjoy.
Apparently unbeknownst to all of you and your wives, after I paid for your lawsy dawdy $1,056 dinner at Puffy's all-white place, I was led to the distinct impression everyone was going to "shake booties." While I fully intended to go directly home and make sweet love to my wife, I was fully aware that without me any booty shakin extravaganza would be well below optimal. Thus, I requested to be droped off at [location removed], despite the mild protestations of my bride, who was more interested in the aforementioned sweet lovin. Imagine my surprise to find myself alone. After commandeering a phone from an overly trusting fat chick, I sent two text messages alerting yall of the SOS situation and requesting immediate rescue from the Wonderpets. After 2 hrs of no response, and $35 in tips to the house band who only knew Zeppelin and The Stones, I started my 1.5 mile stroll home. In total darkness. It was shortly after I left the parking lot that the turtle first reared his ugly head. I wrastled him valiantly for the next 1.4 miles until I was 14 ft from my front door and, naturally, he won out. As I crabwalked the last four yards to the bathroom, jeans around my knees, imagine my amazement that it is actually possible to get shit on the FRONT of one's hand as well as the business side. After 15 minutes of hazmat cleanup, I found my way to bed so I could set my alarm to fish with you loyal friends in a mere 4 hrs. My 7-yr old is far from special forces, but he is intimately familiar with the concept of "leave no man behind.". Obviously, you all were absent for that day of Badass School. I will see you all in the morning. Thank you for your support.
Sent at 1:42 am
Hard to beat a good ‘shit yourself’ story. Anytime I am in a crunch at a social event and am looking for something that will grab peoples attention, my ‘go-to’ is a good ‘shit yourself’ story.
A-la-BAMA Girl
this young lady was spotted in Dothan last week by a ‘friend of the blog’ and was sent to me requesting that she get a little bit of Southern Fried love. He claims her face was perfect and she smelled like fresh roses on a beautiful spring morning with no chicken houses anywhere around. The only criticism I have is her hair seems, at least on this photo, that it is a little past due for a high light… bringing up another thought – curtain/carpet (does that even matter anymore?? with the amount of ‘tile floors’ down stairs these days, carpet shade is really insignificant)
I appreciate the walk, which accents the ass, and are these sun dresses going to keep getting smaller and smaller until you can actually see roast beef hanging out?? Don’t get me wrong, I am not against it but when this bitch walks by and some dude that has less class than me says, ‘hey baby, you want some dick?’ she should not get offended at all – just answer politely, you asked for it.
Blog Archive
- Pac 12. Who wins?
- False Advertising
- Russell Wilson
- American Golfers Suck
- Big 12 (or 10..)
- Current Time Braves Team
- Another Riff
- As far recognizable guitar rifts go…..
- Who's gonna win the Big X??
- World Series
- Jackass star dies
- Guitar Riffs
- I'm back you mofo's.
- Boxing Hall of Fame
- King James
- Profile Pic. Profiling
- Pre-Disney
- Southern Fried’s Bucket List
- Left Behind
- A-la-BAMA Girl