The OSU has always talked about why they couldn’t beat the SEC in the big game, it mostly boiled to running a clean program, is what I have always been told. Well now what? I will tell you. This is bad bad bad for The OSU. Jim Tressel always managed to get the top recruits from Ohio, Mich, and some from all over the country (I think we know why now) if you remember OSU was in bad shape before he got there. With the sanctions that will be worse than what happened to USC who would go coach for at least the next three years? With no big name coach and being on probation their next 4 or 5 recruiting classes will be dismal and then the job will not be as attractive. That being said I still think when all that goes away it is one of the premier coaching jobs in the country, OSU WILL be back, but when?
"the degenerate gamblers guide to talking shit, telling stories, and giving horrible advice on picks"
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
The SI article about Tressel – Go HERE
Here are some of the tid-bits that I took from the article.
- As coach at Youngstown (Ohio) State in the mid-1990s, he claimed not to know that his star quarterback had received a car and more than $10,000 from a school trustee and his associates -- even though it was later established in court documents that Tressel had told the player to go see the trustee.
- In 2003, during Tressel's third season in Columbus, Buckeyes running back Maurice Clarett was found to have received money and other benefits. Even though Tressel said he spent more time with Clarett than with any other player, he also said he did not know that Clarett had been violating the rules.
- A year later, after he left the university, Clarett told ESPN that he wasn't forthcoming with the NCAA because it would have meant ratting on teammates and coaches. He alleged that Tressel had arranged cars for him to use and that the coach's older brother Dick, who was then the Buckeyes' director of football operations (he is now the team's running backs coach), arranged lucrative no-show jobs for players. (Jim and Dick Tressel have denied the allegations.) Clarett added that coaches connected him with boosters who gave him thousands of dollars.
- A year later an internal Ohio State investigation (later corroborated by the NCAA) found that quarterback Troy Smith had taken $500 from a booster. It was the second time the booster had been investigated for allegedly providing improper benefits to a star player, but again Tressel said he had no knowledge of the illicit payment.
- on March 8, Tressel stood before TV cameras and confirmed a Yahoo report that he had been aware of the memorabilia-for-ink scandal and had not informed Ohio State officials when asked about it in December.
- That support crumbled suddenly over Memorial Day weekend. Tressel was forced out three days after Sports Illustrated alerted Ohio State officials that the wrongdoing by Tressel's players was far more widespread than had been reported. SI learned that the memorabilia-for-tattoos violations actually stretched back to 2002, Tressel's second season at Ohio State, and involved at least 28 players -- 22 more than the university has acknowledged. Those numbers include, beyond the six suspended players, an additional nine current players as well as nine former players whose alleged wrongdoing might fall within the NCAA's four-year statute of limitations on violations.
The thought is that this SI article was what pushed OSU to have JT come home from vacation and resign on a holiday.
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Chris Low for ESPN has a GREAT article on Craig Sanders on ESPN. Go Read it HERE
This kid is from Ariton, where I live now, a single A school that’s K-12. I watched him play in High School and he initially commented to Alabama and then had a change of heart and went to Auburn. He caught some criticism down here from the Bamars and as usual they said, ‘He would’ve never started anyway.’ I disagreed.
I told Culpepper to watch him on special teams. He is the first guy down the field and if he doesn’t make the tackle he is the next guy in. I said that he has major potential to be the next David Pollack type player – Heart!!
At Ariton he played middle LB, Fullback, Punter, Field Goal Kicker, and Kicker. I can’t remember him ever coming out of the game. He ‘plays’ DE at Auburn and we will see him break the rotation this year and I hope to see him as a Starter next year.
Friday, May 27, 2011
The Classic ‘Steinhatchee’ Story
(this post was written about 2 years ago.. f’n classic story)
Steinhatchee is in Florida on the Gulf coast about 60 miles west of Gainesville. It is full of nothing but biting insects and Fish. This trip was not my first but it was for my company. Culpepper, Rusty, and Mark all were going for their first time. We met down at Franky T's house on Friday night and had a low country boil. Started out heating up the water and with some new potatoes in it. About a hour later we had built a fire and applied bug spray 8 times but the water had not started boiling yet. Then we realized that we had the burner upside down so we turned it up right and with in 5 minutes the water was boiling and the potatoes were cooking. After adding some sausage, corn, and shrimp we had a good meal. Broke out the poker chips and all started arguing about college football. Rusty is a UT fan, Culpepper Auburn, Mark Alabama and of course myself Georgia.
Saturday morning got up about 5 am, went to the docks to get our rented boat and set out on the open sea. Just 4 guys, 2 coolers of beer, and smiles. First cast, Culpepper lands a nice Red Fish and we get it in the boat and then the conversation starts... ‘how long does a Red Fish need to be to be a keeper?’ ‘Who has the ruler?’ ‘You got to be kidding me - no one knows how big a fish needs to be?’ ‘how about trout?’ ‘how about anything!?!?!’ Anyway, we learned our lesson to make sure you take a ruler when going on the open sea. So we fished for a little while longer and decided to go south a couple of miles then Mark noticed a storm WAY off in the distance. "that storm cant be 30 miles from here" I said. Then rusty starts counting mississippi's from lighting to thunder so he could figure out exactly how far away it is. so we keep fishing because Rusty and I determine how far away the storm is and how fast its moving and what direction its moving in. About 10 to 15 minutes go by and Culpepper says, "hey guys, i think that storm is moving in on us pretty fast." So then Rusty and I explain to Culpepper how to figure out how far away a storm is and he isn't interested in listening. Then about that time the Radio says, "dead weight to see hag." "see hag, go ahead." "how bad is this storm that's coming in and how fast is it moving?" "their is a lot of lightning and its moving in on us pretty fast, we recommend coming in." ok, so maybe storms move faster on water than they do land.... that's when the rain started.
then the hard rain. then the lighting. then the hard wind, rain, lighting, thunder, waves, and fear. We couldn't see 20 feet in front of us and we had no clue how far south we had went. This was probably about a category 4 hurricane, maybe a bad 3, but could have been a 4. It was crazy. Where the hell is the #1 bouie? I slow the engine, "Guys, i don't know where we are," i tell the crew. Mark asks, "you think we passed it?" "I dont think so" rusty said, "but we could have." "this ain't good guys," culpepper makes it clear. Radio calls out, "Marina to Rental boat 1, marina to rental boat 1." I grab the C.B. "this is rental boat 1, go ahead." "we are just checking on you guys." "we headed in." we pursue north and Finally! we see the #1 bouie. We are safe! We come into the marina, dock the boat and all get out like we are seasoned vets that were not worried one bit. When actually we all were scared as hell. We walk up to the bar, order a beer and start talking about our story. Already we were telling each others perspective on what was going on and what we were thinking. The football players that drowned kept coming up. I was referring to myself as Capt. and i liked it. We get a bite to eat and the rain passed so we decide to go back out. This time with a ruler by god.
We get back out and since we had such bad luck going south we decided to go north this time.
After we noticed that there is a HUGE ruler on the side of the boat to measure fish with limit sizes.. We realized that we have two ways to measure any fish that we do catch. We start catching some fish but no keepers but at least we are catching. The beer is tasting good, the sun is shining and we are feeling good. I’m still referring to myself as captain also. Mark comes over and checks the gas container. "guys the gas is looking kinda low," Mark explains. then i tell him, "step back and let the captain take a look. ahw shit, we got plenty a gas." so we keep fishing and fishing and fishing. Also drinking a good bit of beer. We start heading back in stopping and fishing along the way and on the last stop, right before 5.00, the engine don't start. "i told you we wouldn't have enough gas." Mark reminds me. "Jesus Christ Joe, are you serious?" culpepper asks. "why are you guys not referring to me as Capt anymore?" i ask. "BECAUSE WE ARE OUT OF FUCKING GAS!!! CAPTAIN DIP SHIT!!" culpepper answers. Rusty then tells me, "call the marina on the radio and tell them to bring us gas.... captain." i'm picking up some sarcasm in the "captain" part. I pick up the CB and pause...... "i dont want to come over the radio and say we are out of gas," i say. Rusty then says, "Well what do you recommend we do?.... captain." again, sarcasm on the captain part. "alright, alright, alright, ill say we are having engine problems and it may be the gas," i explain. "yea Joe, that's a great idea," culpepper says in his smart ass voice. "Rental boat 1 to marina, Rental boat 1 to marina" - "marina, go ahead" - "yea we got some engine problems and it may be gas" - "hang on rental boat, ill get a mechanic to call you back" - at this point we are all chuckling at ourselves.
then mark yells, "what the hell is that?" "thats a sting ray," culpepper says, "catch it Rusty, you hadn't caught anything else all day." rusty then throws out, ray swims right to his bait, then his drag goes screaming.... "AHHH I GOT HIM, now what the hell do i do?" Rusty asks. we get the sting ray to the boat and then he snaps the line. nice way to burn up the time. "marina to rental boat 1" - "rental boat 1 go ahead" - "where are you guys located?"....."oh shit, how do we tell them where we are?" i ask the crew with no help of course. "come out of the mouth of the river and go north." "10-4" - ok, that was easy. so we keep drinking beer and enjoying the time out on the water. when the mechanics find us they say, "the gas hand don't work on this one and we just put a new motor on it so shes prolly burnin more gas than she should." I say, "thats good information, be good to have that about 3 hours ago." they snicker, why, I’m now sure, but i think they kind of enjoyed seeing us run out of gas.
When we get back we go to the bar and grill and order dinner. We had planned on having a fish fry but we only had 2 keepers all day. So we ordered burgers and they could have been the best burgers I have ever had. Culpepper ordered some kind of stuff that was horrible as an appetizer but he was the only one that ate any of it. We get back to the house, shower, and all sit down and watch Lemony Snicket. I know, the selection was slim.
Sunday didn't have near the adventure, but we did choose to partake in the scalloping fun. We felt gay at first, but didn't know just how much fun it would be to find these little boogers. AND they are mean. the first one we found snapped at us and it scared us. Any way, we are gonna make another trip sometime in the future - maybe November. I’m sure it will be a good trip and you know that you will be able to read all about it.
(this was one of the very first post on Southern Fried)
NBA Finals
The Heat did exactly what I thought they couldn’t do, finish. Last night they did what Championship teams do, finish off a team and take series when the game is, all but, pretty much gone.
With 3.53 left in the 4th Qt Spoelstra calls a full timeout with the Heat down 64-76. With 2.03 left Thibodeau calls a TO after a Miami 8-1 run bringing it to 72-77. 63 seconds later Lebron drops a 3 to tie it 79-79 with 1 minute left. In the remaining minute Derek Rose scored the only point Chicago produced for the rest of the game as the Bulls season finished.
This NBA Finals is so important but here is a list of 5 reasons why this year’s Finals is so important.
- Dirk. A ring would validate his career as a ‘Great’
- Lebron. Cements his ‘Decision’ as the right move.
- Spoelstra. What he has done this year has been under-rated. A title in his first year with this group could possibly mean Phil Jacksonish type numbers in his career.
- Pat Riley. He was a 1st Rd draft pick. Won a title as a player. Won 5 titles as a Coach. And now is working on becoming the greatest GM in the modern era.
- Mark Cuban. Love him or Hate him – Championships start at the top.. and if Dallas wins then Cuban’s respect sky rockets.
5/31 (tues) Mavs @ Heat
6/2 (thur) Mavs @ Heat
6/5 (sun) Heat @ Mavs
6/7 (tues) Heat @ Mavs
6/9 (thur) Heat @ Mavs
6/12 (sun) Mavs @ Heat
6/14 (tues) Mavs @ Heat
Thursday, May 26, 2011
The Rusty Thomas Band
A close friend of Southern Fried has been making a pretty bad ass album. Rusty is the lead singer and has more of a Deep Rooted Country back ground with a Red Neck Billy Joel type sound. Matt Rollins is on the drums and is more of a Classic Rock and Roller with a killer sound that is not to over powering. Then you have the Delta Blues of Jon Harris coming straight out of Muddy Waters and pickin' and slidin' you into a daze of good tunes. Every track you will hear a different influence but yet be able to tie them all together with the smile on your face.
Go to the website HERE and listen to some of the music
Then go to their Facebook page HERE and click ‘Like’
The Band decided that they wanted this project to be special and one way for it to take on a new meaning to them is if they were doing it for unselfish reasons. Camp Twin Lakes is a non-profit origination that provides places and paths for children with serious illnesses and life challenges to experience the joys of childhood and grow in their confidence and capabilities (no, i didn't write that. that is their mission statement). Once they were in touch with Camp Twin Lakes the project took on a whole new meaning and the music got even better.
The album will be getting released pretty damn soon – go to facebook and become a fan of the page so you can get updates.
Links: Website Facebook Camp Twin Lakes
Ohio State football
What do you guys think will eventually come out of the OSU shakedown? I feel like they are going to eventually get hit pretty hard with NCAA sanctions and I also think Tressel will be on the unemployment line after everything is brought to light. I saw on ESPN this morning where a former OSU player admitted to selling rings and getting deals on cars. It still pisses me off that all of these guys only got a 5 game suspension when AJ Green received 4 games for selling a jersey for $1,000. Don't know if the hammer will come down before the season starts, but OSU will likely receive a big punishment for past actions. Thoughts?
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Top 5 Athletes to never win a title
Over a cold draft beer last night, Jody and I were talking about the Top 5 players to never a win a title.
Barry Sanders
Dan Marino
Charles Barkley
Archie Manning
Barry ‘The Juice’ Bonds
Kyle Bush
Clocked going 128 in a 45 – sited for reckless driving and speeding.
And this was what he was driving.
The car was said to be a ‘loaner’ from Lexus…
I ask. If Lexus ‘loaned’ you this car – how fast do you think you would get it up to?
The Gambler
Why the hell was Dana Holgorson raising hell at a Casino at 3.15 am??

Reese sited a couple of months ago that this guy was the second coming… Well, he aint off to a great start.
Read the story in Charleston Daily Mail by clicking
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Ridiculously early pre-season predictions (SEC)
Instead of a pre-season poll, I was thinking about throwing out who we think are the ‘Contenders’ to win their respective conferences.
(Note to Culpepper: Shut up! read the subject. It says ‘Ridiculously’ so don’t go commenting on how ridiculous it is to be predicting anything in May. also, I would like to respectfully ask that you don’t drop your annual ‘if they gave the title away in june, uga would win every year’ joke. You can’t tell me the last time I predicted Ga to win it all. Even the year they were pre-season #1)
Starting with the cream of the crop – The SEC (or as Reese refers to the them ‘The Big Brother’)
Teams in the mix
Alabama – When you sign 65 scholarship players every year – its easier to stock pile talent
LSU – Les Miles is the SHIT!! and by the way, he has LOADS AND LOADS AND LOADS of the fastest guys in America
South Carolina – Basically the SEC East defending Champs have everyone back. Will Garcia start? Does that matter?
Teams that could
Georgia – Richt hot seat is as hot as it gets and a very good schedule could put them in the title game
Arkansas – Has Bobby Slap Dick finally put together the team that can do it?
Auburn – the Defending National Champs lost a TON!! of talent. Chizz has done great the last couple of years landing talent and they do have the best RB in the SEC but I think, over all, they have to many holes to fill.
Florida – As long as the Univ. of Florida is in the State of Florida – then they are in the mix
Long Shots
UT – Dooley was really close to winning some games last year…
Miss State - Mullen has this program on the right track, but it is still Miss State
Ole Miss – this is probably Nutt’s last year but he could get lucky if the dominoes fall the right way
Teams that Can’t
UK – this aint Basketball
Vandy - (no comment needed)
Friday, May 20, 2011
RIP Macho Man
Dawgs and Clemson renewing rivalry 2013-14

What do ya'll think? Good or bad playing Clemson?
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Kid dilemma
Parker is an honor student… This is something very new to me. I never made this group and no body ever really expected me to either but Parker has and I am proud! I have a question for Southern Fried, and I don’t care if you don’t have kids – your opinion is still valued. How do I handle this with Rachel, who didn’t make the honor roll? Rachel is the middle child and for those of you who are familiar with my family, you understand why I have a little concern about how to handle certain things at an early age with the middle child. Here are some of my thoughts and I would really appreciate any thoughts from you.
- I want to encourage Rachel but worried about any resentment she may have towards Parker. I have no reason to feel that she will have any resentment because they are pretty much best friends and have very little jealously between them. Still a concern.
- I feel it is important to do something special for Parker because of this achievement making her want to do again and again.
- Tomorrow morning everyone will be at this thing and Parker will be the main focus, which she should be. And both of them need to understand that each one has days where they are the focus.
- This is where I want to do a great job as a parent. I want Rachel to be proud of Parker and to be happy for her during Parker’s day.
So here is what I’m thinking right now. And keep in mind, that I can’t be spending much money – Disney is in 2 weeks. I was going to take Rachel to the Store and let her pick something out to get Parker. And while we are there, get her a little something also just for being her.
this may sound trivial but I think that it’s times like these at the ages they are that shape what kind of people they become and I am taking it serious. But will probably fuck it up some how.
Any recommendations? any Risks you see that I may have by doing this? Any comments in general?
The Seal who shot Bin Laden
Check out this video, its golden.
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Good article on Bubba
the Terminator's love child
Here is a picture of Arnold’s love child and baby mama
(it’s pretty obvious where I got the pic >
Is it just me, or does this kid look very familiar?? does the name Rocky Dennis ring a bell?
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Found Joe's dream woman (other than Traci, of course)
Ana Catarian Bezerra is a 36-year-old Brazilian woman who suffers from a chemical imbalance that triggers severe anxiety and hypersexuality. Ana, an accountant by day, began to have problems at work because the only way to relieve said anxiety is by masturbating. A lot. Now, after winning a court battle and seeking professional medical help, Ana is allowed to masturbate and watch porn — using her work's computer, no less — legally.
Ana wasn't always like this, she was worse:
"I got so bad I would to masturbate up to forty seven-times a day. That's when I asked for help, I knew it wasn't normal."
Carlos Howert, Ana's doctor, prescribes Ana with a "cocktail" (read: an entire medicine cabinet's worth) of tranquillizers. We're not sure how that "cocktail" doesn't knock Ana out (half a Claritin feels like an elephant tranquillizer to us), but thanks to Dr. Howert's concoction, Ana only has to masturbate around eighteen-times a day.
So, like, a little less than Elvis Crespo.
Of course all of this sounds absurd and hilarious to most us but for Ana it's probably anything but. Last April she had to take her employer to court in order to be allowed to masturbate during work hours. Ana won.
Still, imagine an office full of of scandalized and perverted stares as you exit the bathroom or bend down to pick up a pencil — awkward? Very. Also, as a woman, having a bunch of men knowing you're a clinical nympho probably doesn't help deter unwanted sexual advances.
Best Intro
The first thing I think of when I think of Team Intro’s is.
On the College football scene – I think it’s pretty damn hard to beat the way the Hookies come out.
And we can’t talk about Introductions with out mentioning Stone Cold Steve Austin by God!!
You guys give me what your thinking.
State of American Golf
Yesterday I had a question that, I believe, wasn’t taken the right way.
My question is ‘Who are the best American Golfers right now?’
New Tournament. Each Country gets 3 golfers and they play each of the 4 majors just as they are played now. This isn’t a team score, which ever country produces the winner is the winner. So you are the Captain of the American team and you have 5 Captain picks – No Automatic Qualifiers – Just Captain picks. Who are your 3 golfers?
(# is world ranking)
#4 Phil Mickelson
#11 Bubba Watson
#7 Steve Stricker
#10 Matt Kuchar
#13 Dustin Johnson
#14 Nick Watney
#16 Jim Furyk
#18 Hunter Mahan
Monday, May 16, 2011
Shit I saw this weekend
- Why is everyone so shocked that the Bulls beat the Heat last night?? The Bulls were 4-0 against them in the regular season. The Bulls can rebound – The Heat can’t! The Heat will win some games in this series, don’t get me wrong, but only 2 or 3. Bulls in 6 maybe 7.
- ‘Paging Clean up on 17th Green please. David Toms just threw up while choking.’ Can someone tell me who the best American Golfer is right now? Please! And am I the only person that remembered this picture when they showed Toms’ wife? That was 8 years ago and I remembered her.
- I kept Audrey Saturday while Traci took the girls to their dance recital. I was pretty pumped because I would much rather sit at home and hang out with Audrey instead of going to the Ozark Civic Center for 3 hours and not even being able to see the stage for some water head in front of you. But low and behold what happens? Some dude trips up walking down the steps and hits the lady in front of him sending her head first down the steps. Why the hell does this shit happen when I am not there? And if I would have been there then I would have prolly been holding a video camera and that’s what you guys would be watching right now!
- Jorge’ Posada is a little bitch. Your batting avg sucks ass dude! Bat 9th until you get out of your slump.
- The Braves have a better record against the Philles than the Nationals over the last 2 years… not sure how to take that are you? me either.
- I love Donuts. and whole milk.
- The Thunder finished off a Grizzles team that people better watch out for next year. OKC is now going to play the Mav’s to see who will go against the Bulls/Heat winner for all the marbles. I will be pulling for who ever comes out of the West. I really want to see Dirk win one but would would just love to see Durant win one in such a small market and prove to everyone (lebron, Melo, Stoudmire, etc.) that you can win a title in a small market. On the East I am pulling against the Heat more than for the Bulls.
Thursday, May 12, 2011
I have not verified this. got it in an email
According to the email. The lady on the left is Chief Heather Fong. She is the first SFPD female lesbian chief of police. Theresa Sparks is the Bull Dyke in the middle is the San Fran Police Commission president. She is a former male and is the CEO of a multimillion-dollar sex toy retailer. (I have never gotten in to the sex toys.. something about sticking a marble up my ass just hasn’t ever sparked my interest) Sgt Stephan Thorne is the stud on the right that used to be a female and is the first transgender SFPD police officer.
(if this is a little old and you have seen it before then I apologize starrett. Again, I didn’t verify any of this. And I have no intention of even looking in to it. I just thought, based off the picture, that we can go ahead and run with it)
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
the A. T. L.
Can the A.T.L. really make it to a Conference title series?? And are they good enough to maybe win it?? I think maybe they are good enough… but I after watching them play in these playoffs I can’t bring myself to say they are going to do it.
And what ever happened to this logo
This was the shit!
J-Hey says he has a sore shoulder and it has been bothering him since spring. why the hell else would he be batting .220??
As an Atlanta professional sports fan. right now is pretty fun to flip back and forth between a pretty good Braves team and a Hawks team that is… I still can’t say it. I want to like these guys but it is really hard. They run up and down the court like wild men. They run their best offense ‘in transition’ which means they can’t run a set play worth a shit! I like the way Memphis is playing. I love Kevin Durant. I enjoy watching Dirk. I think the Celtics are tough as hell. Derek Rose is a special player that, if you hadn’t been watching him, you need too. And then the Hawks.. I guess if they do take care of the Bulls and the Heat finish off Boston then it will be easier when they face Lebron.
so…. go hawks.. yea.
And why hasn’t anyone mentioned the Braves pitching coach that go a little loose with his tongue in San Fran? (that didn’t sound good)
Monday, May 9, 2011
Thank You!
You made a Difference!
We got up Saturday morning and started our journey to Ohatchee United Methodist Church in north Alabama with Parker, Rachel, and Myself. The Suburban was packed full! The 3rd row seats were folded up and you could not squeeze one more thing in.
Some of the things your money went to were Tylenol, Advil, Sinus Medicine, Work Gloves, Canned Goods, Granola Bars, Tooth Paste, Tooth Brushes, Deodorant, Disinfectant Wipes, Baby Clothes, Baby Bottles, Diapers, Baby Food, Baskets, Bags, Batteries, Hand Sanitizer, and Eating Utensils. We had a couple of people donate boxes/bags of clothes and toys also.
We tried to organize the stuff where people could just grab a basket or box and have a little bit of everything but that changed once we got there. So we unloaded all of the separated baskets and Tupperware containers – took them inside and grouped things together and placed the baskets and bags where people could come in and actually have something besides a plastic Walmart bag to carry their stuff out with.
Once we unloaded the bought supplies, we headed over to the Salvation Army drop off and gave them all of the clothes and shoes. They were running pretty low on clothes and let us know just how thankful they were of what we had brought.
Last Bag!
Thank all of you for sharing in this! The difference we made would not have been nearly as big without your help! Ohatchee United Methodist Church and the people of Ohatchee are better off because of you.
Friday, May 6, 2011
Kentucky Derby
By David R.
With Uncle Mo taking the late scratch (and costing the 21st entrant, a trip to Louisville), a field of 19 will enter in the gate on Saturday under the Twin Spires for the greatest - and most expensive - two minutes in sports. The large field, with no clear standouts in this Spring's prep races, makes it a wide open affair and a handicapper's delight.
The chatter around the track is that Master of Hounds may be the "wiseguy" pick this year, and at a fat morning line, it will be hard not to take a shot at seeing if he hits the board.
Shackleford is also being touted pretty widely, and this has only increased as he has worked lights out over the Churchill track in the mornings. He's trained by Dale Romans, a Kentucky boy who has owned many Churchill meets, but he's never had a Derby. Look for him to wipe a tear from his eye as they play My Ol' Kentucky Home, and look for Jesus Castanon to have the horse rolling as they hit the stretch.
The reality is that when it comes to the Derby, like no other horse race, "Pace makes the race" and "It is all about the trip." Many champions have found themselves caught 8 wide at the first turn, and sucking wind as they cross the finish line, a dozen lengths behind some schmuck who had only raced in allowances at Thistledown before shipping to the 'Ville. Calvin Borel (pronounced Bo-RAIL) knows every inch of the track like the back of his hand, and his miraculous rides and guts of steel seem to always place him right down on the rail, with a chance to win when the chips are down. Calvin's got a live mount with Twice The Appeal, and starts in the 3-hole at odds of 20-1.
This is truly a crapshoot, which makes it as fun a bet as any there is. There are millions worth of dumb money in the parimutuel pool, and the track doesn't care who wins. They just take out their healthy percentage and let the bettors fight over the rest like a dealer at a poker table. Still way too early for me to have this thing handicapped well enough to make any picks, so here's one thought in the way of a bet....
A 50cent trifecta, using ALL/ALL/ALL, will cost $2907 and GUARANTEE you a winning trifecta ticket in the biggest race in the world. But the question is will the tote board light up bright enough to make that worth your while. In 2007, this bet would have returned $110, for a net loss of $2800. In 2009, it paid $10,375, for a net gain of $7,468!
So, you gotta ask yourself...Do you feel lucky, punk???
Monday, May 2, 2011
Obama and Bin Laden
A lot of chatter on Facebook, starting last night, about Obama and Bin Laden and maybe some of you guys can help me out.
Let me start by saying that I am not a Obama supporter. I disagree with, damn near, everything he wants to do and the direction that he wants to take out country.
That said, He is the Commander and Chief of the United States Military and we just killed one of the most powerful terrorist in the world. Obama has had heavy pressure from the day he took office from his own party to get ALL of our troops out of the middle east. He kept them there and eventually finished the job that, if you remember correctly, was our initial reason for going over there in the first place.
I do not think by giving Obama the credit he deserves is taking anything at all away from the Brave men and women who have served our country in this fight. I believe we can do both.
Blog Archive
- State of Ohio
- Tressel
- ‘Animal’
- The Classic ‘Steinhatchee’ Story
- Bad Day at the Office
- NBA Finals
- The Rusty Thomas Band
- Ohio State football
- Top 5 Athletes to never win a title
- Lake House for Sale
- Kyle Bush
- The Gambler
- Ridiculously early pre-season predictions (SEC)
- RIP Macho Man
- Dawgs and Clemson renewing rivalry 2013-14
- Kid dilemma
- The Seal who shot Bin Laden
- Good article on Bubba
- the Terminator's love child
- Found Joe's dream woman (other than Traci, of course)
- Best Intro
- State of American Golf
- Shit I saw this weekend
- the A. T. L.
- Thank You!
- Kentucky Derby
- Obama and Bin Laden
- Gotcha!! I'd love to see the video of the raid.