Not saying I believe any or all of this, just thought it was interesting and you guys would be interested in this. It was posted on Dawgpost from a guy who found it on a Bama board, so without futher ado......
Only Going to Post Here Once
by Gilbert_Grape » Fri Nov 19, 2010 1:28 am
Take this for what it is worth. I'm just an old guy who knows little and remembers even less, but I've been around enough times to know what to believe and what not to believe.
I've been reading this forum off and on, but have never posted here. I don't plan on posting here again, but I do want to make my one post count.
To begin, those of you who are jumping ship because there is no damning evidence thus far, man up and be patient. Rome wasn't built in a day, and the barn won't burn faster just because you want it to. Trust me, though- it will burn.
My credentials are this: I know people who are in position to know things because I used to be one of those "in the know". I was involved in the initial investigation at SMU, not as a University official but as an NCAA pencil pusher. Right now, I have one son teaching at *** and another in the athletic department at Auburn (I also have a cousin who was once employed by Auburn, but he has since cut ties with them after a falling out a few years ago). Finally, my neighbor and closest friend started as a CART agent with the FBI and does work with AccessData's FTK on the side (he's the guy who proves you visited those websites you lied to your wife about). I say all of that to say this: I consider myself well-connected. That does not mean, however, that I will defend to the death my sources. Anyone offering "insider" information, unless they are actively involved, is only doing so out of good faith to their sources and a belief that they can contribute in some way. This is where I stand.
(1)Cam Newton: Unless he stands at a podium and flashes cash, he's playing against Bama. However, his ineligibility is guaranteed. Auburn knows this, the SEC knows this, the NCAA knows this, and Cam (should) know this. This is the least of Auburn's worries because,
(2) Auburn is going down. Cam is essentially a diversion. Let me repeat myself again: CAM Is ESSENTIALLY A DIVERSION. There was a slush fund, and this fund was accessed by Auburn players through ATM cards. The paper trail will show this. The FBI is offering unbelievable deals for those who talk. Unfortunately, those in the know have to keep hush-hush while people are talking because this is a federal investigation, which is why
(3) This has taken so long. It is a process, people. The NCAA and others are not just sitting on their thumbs. It's like being in line at McDonald's- no matter how fast you want to move, you have to wait on the folks in front of you. Auburn knows this, and the mood in the Barn offices is gloomy at best. There is concern over heavy, heavy penalties, including loss of SACS and the NCAA Death Penalty. However,
(4) Auburn will not be given the Death Penalty, and it's extremely unlikely that it will lose SACS. The Alabama legislature and governor are willing to do whatever it takes to keep Auburn open and funded. The last time Auburn was in trouble with SACS, the governor begged for them to be spared. That won't work this time, but that is because the Alabama legislature is going to
(5) Clean house at Auburn. The BOT will be made up of congressman (if certain folks have their way), and no one other than academic deans will retain administrative positions. The state of Alabama, ***, and the SEC NEED Auburn open, which is partly why
(6) Auburn will (almost certainly) not receive the Death Penalty. This is the only part of my information that I wish I felt more comfortable about. There is talk among those in the NCAA office of TV blackouts, scholly reductions in the 50+ (over at least 4 years) range, limits on assistants, and a revocation of almost all recruiting rights. Monstrous fines will be levied as well. This brings me to my last point,
(7) Most of the Auburn folks were grossly unaware of any of this. Chizik's reputation is dead amongst many boosters and faculty. There was a meeting at an airport to discuss what everyone (boosters, admins, etc.) knew, and as the meeting went on, anger turned to fear, fear turned to rage, and rage turned into disbelief. It was during this meeting that possible implications on SACS was brought up, during which point near panic ensued. The Auburn folks are waiting on the hammer, when they should be preparing for the bomb.
So, take all of this with a grain (or truckload) of salt. I won't post again, so don't post anything expecting a reply from me. Forget about all of this crap with "a big story coming in X days"- there is no timetable for this. Expect this to go slowly, and expect Auburn to finish its season with no NCAA/SEC intervention. Once again, I am passing along information that I trust- what you do with it is your choice.
Not sure what I think about this, probably a load of shit, but interesting read. If he actually knows what he's talking about and AU had a slush fund, AU fans can get ready for a decade of awful football at a minimum.