"the degenerate gamblers guide to talking shit, telling stories, and giving horrible advice on picks"
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Friday, October 29, 2010
Culpepper got on the Mic
Pepper was at one of the many conventions he enjoys going to but typically is to nervous during the Q&A segment to ask anything.. Not this time.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
If they aint getting arrested… they are graduating
Georgia has been the punch line to many off the field jokes lately and deservingly so.. But It was nice to find out that the Dawgs are 2nd in the SEC in Graduation rate only behind Vandy. All and all the SEC’s rates were pretty damn good. Arkansas and Ole Miss were the bottom feeders and I wasn’t suprised by Arkansas but I was a little surprised at Ole Miss. Good Job to the SEC for not only being THE most powerful conference in all of football but also graduating your student athletes.
Sunday, October 24, 2010
A little different..
Who knew it but the French Canadians do not like to be called racial slurs during ball games.. Question, can anyone give me a racial slur for a French Canadian? I thought that was a pretty bad thing to be called in its self.
WOW!! I never would have guessed that this would have been a group of French men.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Mike Zimmer is the MAN!!
I just read a blog post from Cincinnati.Com that had some GREAT quotes from Mike Zimmer the current Defensive coordinator there in Cincy.
First of all, I want to say that I have read/seen stuff on this guy in the past and liked everything. He has fire, he seems to have a pretty damn close family, and tons of respect from his players. When his wife passed away last year during the season.. watching his daughters (who are really really hot) in the stands in tears and emotional wrecks is a moment I will never forget.
Now, on to the shit that caused this post.
Zimmer was doing an interview and Bobby Petrino’s name came up. [Zimmer was Bobby’s D Coordinator in Atlanta if you any of have blocked that year from you memory bank.] and here are some of the quotes..
“I was never even there. As far as I am concerned. I never even was there. When a coach quits in the middle of the year and ruins a bunch of people’s families and doesn’t’ have enough guts to at least finish out the year. I am not a part of that.”
and if that isn’t good enough, how about this..
“He is a coward. Put that in quotes. He ruined a bunch of people’s lives, a bunch of people’s families, kids, because he didn’t have enough nuts to stay there and finish the job. That’s the truth.”
“He came in and said he resigned, he would talk to us all at a later date, walked out of the office and no one has ever talked to him since. Not that anybody wanted to. He’s a gutless b—–d. (not sure what this word was) Quote that. I don’t give a s—. (pretty sure this was shit)”
When told that we might might not be able to use the B word, Zimmer went one better: “How about this, gutless MF. (not certain, but I feel comfortable assuming that this was mother fucker) You can use that.”
OK, I’m pretty certain that I have a new favorite defensive Coordinator in the NFL! He said what I have always thought of the douche bag in Arkansas. I think he is a gutless selfish douche bag that I hope fails.
Thanks Mike Zimmer
You can read the post HERE
Monday, October 18, 2010
What is a “real defense”?
I keep hearing the good defense thing also. But...before we played SC they had the best run-D in the nation and after we ran for 300 yards they were "overrated". Here are their rushing totals against the best teams they have played so far
UK Rushed for a whopping 52 yards on USC, the mighty alaBamar racked up 36 yards and averaged 1.2 yards per carry, UGA got 61 yards on them and Auburn ran for 334 yards.
now you tell me why that D is bad because we blew their average out of the water and got 3 games worth of rushing stats in 1 game.
Miss St. is the 13th best D in the nation and 21st in rushing offense and we beat them on the road.
Ark was ranked 13th in total defense until they took the Newton test. Also Ark only passed for 71 more yards against us than did against the mighty Alabama defense.
I am not saying we are going to win the National Championship hell I am not saying we will win the SEC we have 4 tough games left. I just want to know what teams Alabama, and LSU have played who's defenses are so much better than the ones we have played? None we have played the same teams. So how about everyone just "Hey, these guys are better than we thought they were going to be" instead of "Oh well let's wait until they play a real defense"!
Players of the week
Chris Low’s players of the week
Offense: Cam Newton & Mike Hartline
Defense: Chris White (Miss St)
Special Teams: Marquis Maze and Ryan Tydlacka (UK’s punter)
O Line: Ben Jones
D Line: Nick Fairley
Freshman: Aaron Murray
Mon – Day
Great weekend!! Here are couple of thoughts on what I saw and what I saw highlights of..
I saw a Georgia Team that is a couple of games from being in the thick of the SEC East race OR a couple of games from Richt’s seat firing back up.. I’m hoping its the former and how we handle Kentucky and Florida will determine which it is. Georgia is playing with some passion and I have went from dreading the game with Florida, Auburn, and Tech to actually looking forward to them. It’s been a while since we have been able to play spoiler so I am going to enjoy it. Ealey looked good. AJ is a special special football player and Aaron Murray could be one of the top 3 QB’s in the league, right now!
Auburn’s Cam Newton is a freak. I keep hearing people say stupid things like, “if you can stop Cam you can beat ‘em.” Really? Do you also think if you stop Peyton Manning you can stop the Colts? I mean, while we are saying bold statements lets go ahead and get a few others out of the way. How about, “if you pick that dog shit up you will get it on your hand.” or “if you slip in the shower it will hurt.” I understand that it is perfectly obvious that IF you stop Cam Newton that you can stop Auburn but here is the catch, HOW?
Was Dan Mullen the brains behind that douche bag Urban Cryer’s success? With Mullen coming in to the swamp and beating his Ol’ Boss.. I would have loved to hear some of the conversations amongst the Mullets in the swamp? “Man, we need to get another Tebow.. That’s what we need – if Tebow was here this crap wouldn't be happening..” (note the word “crap”, Florida fans do not use profanity in the same sentence as Tebow )
The Ohio State Buckeyes just can’t handle the pressure.. They had another title shot in their sites and blew it.. Plus Tressel doesn’t look the same with a jacket. Stay with the sweater vest dude, it is pimp.
I love twitter. I love tweeting. I love getting tweets. It is the shizznet.
This week I will be doing more post.
Last week We didn’t get anybody’s picks.
I got hammered on Saturday.
I threw up several times late Saturday night… rookie.
I was hung over on Sunday and had to go to what could be the the worse place in the world with a hang over.. Pizza Castle, the redneck version of Chucky Cheese. I did, however, beat a smartass kid in a motorcycle race and told him that if he was going to race me then he better bring it better than that. I also set my all time record of 165 tickets and came out of that place with a mask, 2 curly straws, a tattoo, and a piece of bubble gum. Parker and Rachel were proud of their daddy and I think Traci was a little proud also. I won her over when I timed my token throw to hit the bonus ticket slot back to back times – I almost lost her when I yelled, “JACK POT BABY!!” then “BACK TO BACK!! WHOS THE MAN? JOE’S THE MAN!”
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Chris Low’s SEC QB Rankings
Pre Season here is how he had the QB’s ranked
Low’s preseason rankings:
1. Ryan Mallett, Arkansas 2. Greg McElroy, Alabama 3. Jeremiah Masoli, Ole Miss 4. John Brantley, Florida 5. Stephen Garcia, South Carolina 6. Jordan Jefferson, LSU 7. Cam Newton, Auburn 8. Aaron Murray, Georgia 9. Mike Hartline, Kentucky 10. Chris Relf, Mississippi State 11. Matt Simms, Tennessee 12. Larry Smith, Vanderbilt
Low’s current rankings:
1. Cam Newton, Auburn 2. Ryan Mallett, Arkansas 3. Greg McElroy, Alabama 4. Aaron Murray, Georgia 5. Stephen Garcia, South Carolina 6. Jeremiah Masoli, Ole Miss 7. Mike Hartline, Kentucky 8. John Brantley, Florida 9. Chris Relf, Mississippi State 10. Matt Simms, Tennessee 11. Jarrett Lee, LSU 12. Larry Smith, Vanderbilt 13. Jordan Jefferson, LSU
Some of the biggest differences are Cam Newton, and rightfully so – He has really proven all of the people (including me) that doubted if he could play in the SEC. Aaron Murray is another that has climbed his rankings. And anybody that has watched him will agree that he is growing leaps and bounds and could end up as a GREAT QB. Jordan Jefferson is the biggest drop, and again, I don’t see how anyone would disagree with this either.
Friday, October 15, 2010
Test Run
Just a little test run on the blog. I got our tweets being automatically posted as you can see to the right. I can add any of you who have twitter accounts. May change it up a little bit but as always, your thoughts are wanted
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Ole Miss.. really?
The University of Ole Miss has officially sold out to political correctness…
I’m sorry but Colonel Reb was the shit.. and to be honest I am a little offended that they went with a black bear.. why couldn’t it have been a white bear?
Question for the hunters on here.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Washaun Ealey
Couple of quotes from Ealey that I liked. I have been a little critical of Ealey (and Starrett has been pretty harsh and I think rightfully so) and hopeful he will enjoy reading these as well.
“I feel like I got a lot more to prove. I’ve got to earn the trust of my teammates, along with my coaches. I know that my team, they really need me this game, because I’m probably the only running back, besides Ken Malcome. Carlton Thomas is coming back this week. But I’ll probably be getting the majority of the reps.”
asked if he meant the trust was coming from the fumbling issues.
“Definitely, the fumbles, I’m pretty sure I lost the trust of most of guys on the team. Hopefully I can go out there and gain their trust back this week.”
“Probably last year as a freshman I was just running. Now that I’ve got a little experience I’m probably thinking too much. This week I’m just gonna try and get back to my old ways, just running the ball harder and not thinking too much.”
Starrett has mentioned that the fumbles have not been his only concern. It’s the emotion of Ealey, or lack there of. I think we were shown exactly how a running back should act with Knowshon hoping up and running back to the huddle no matter how hard he had been hit. This showed the D that you better bring it because I am here to stay. I hope that Ealey’s lack of emotion was due to not having his teammates trust and he goes out there with a chip on his shoulder and proves that we do not need to remove Ken Malcom’s redshirt because Ealey will be able to handle the bulk of the carries with Carlton Thomas coming in as a change of pace guy. I went back and watched some of Ealey’s high school videos and some from last year and he I believe this guy is much better than what we have seen this year so far.
A new tradition will begin this Saturday.
Meet UGA VIII (Big Bad Bruce)
Sorry for the lack of blog activity from me lately. I have actually been doing a good job focusing on work and plan on trying to remember to take my lap top home so I can do more post from the House. But here are some of the things that I have seen lately that I wanted to comment on in no particular order.
Brett Favre’s penis. I wish I would have not watched the thing on deadspin.com or at least I wish I could have gotten a warning before the cock shot. I believe he is guilty, I believe he thinks normal rules and laws do not apply to him, I believe he is a selfish self promoting douche bag that I am pulling for to fail. OK, maybe I am being a little harsh on the guy. I mean, he spots what he thinks is a little slut in the tunnel before the game and he wanted to get him a little piece on the side. I am not endorsing this by any means, but is he so stupid that he thinks sending a picture of his little dick is the best way to land this chick? Really? Anytime my penis has been seen by a female it is standing at full attention and if his was… well then I guess I have one thing on Brett Favre. (ps. Mrs Favre, I know a real good way to get back at this guy if you happen to read this.. facebook me and I will tell you the best way to really give him what he deserves)
I read an article yesterday that is coming up in this weeks SI, which doesn’t make much sense for me to do seeing that I am an SI subscriber and I always finish it before the next one comes in. It would make a lot more sense for me to have waited.. anywho, it was about this agent that was paying players. you may have heard them talk about it on Mike and Mike this morning. It was a pretty good read but here is what I got out of it. Most Agents are Pimps. Most Players are whores. I have more respect for Keyshawn Johnson. But you may want to check it out. This sleeze bag names a lot of names.
Caleb King gets arrested. Maybe I am simplifying this a little to much but if any of you guys think your programs are squeaky clean then grab something hard and slam it up next to your head. I understand that GA has had a ton of off field issues but I do believe that Richt is doing something about it. A 2 game suspension for missing an appearance for a traffic ticket is pretty F’n (I’m trying not to use fuck on the blog) stiff. A lot more than what we are accustomed too. The bottom line is that winning cures all ills. Nobody mentions the trouble that goes on down at Fla because they win. And if you look at some of the punishments vs the Crime… well lets just say that Urban doesn't run the tightest ship and he seems to be doing just fine. Oh yea, speaking of Urban. I heard that he found out that he had some kind of rare throat shit where he couldn't control it tighten up and that is what he thought was his chest pains. turns out he has medicine for it and now he is doing good. Has anybody heard anything like this?
Bobby Cox’s last game was very emotional for me.. Maybe it was because I was by myself. Maybe because we lost. Maybe because he has been the Manager since I was 12 years old.. I don’t know but it was tough to watch him tip the hat and it was even tougher watching his press conference. Moving forward, Freddie Gonzalez was the man I wanted BAD! I love this guy. And with a middle name of Jesus I don’t think that can hurt either. The guy is tough. The guy means what he says. He does not put up with pre-madonna’s. Plus the guy went .500 with the smallest pay roll in all of baseball. The Marlins were a team that always showed up to play and you give this guy some more talent (Braves Roster) and I feel comfortable he will take the Braves to the post season. And I also feel pretty comfortable with him being around for a while.
This morning I counted 6 Wild Turkeys in my back yard with in 15 yards of my back porch. One of them will be dead on Sunday morning if they come back. I will hunt from my mud room while drinking coffee and run out and pop one their asses. Then I’m not sure what to do. I have never killed a Turkey but I think I need to say something like, “I roosted him last night and called him up this mornin.” I’m pretty sure that will sound better than, “I woke up this morning, took a mean shit. Fixed me a cup of coffee and looked out the window every 20 minutes during commercials of that bad ass slatwater sunday show that comes on ESPN early as hell on sundays. then one of em of come up and started eatin the feed that I put out so I went out the front door… snuck around the side of the house and blasted his ass.” I will prolly go with story A.
I know some of yall think I am currently a crack head and this next statement may secure it. I believe the Dawgs win out. That means beating Florida, beating Cam Newton, and making PJ give a BJ. Ending with a 8-5 record and then winning our bowl game to complete a 9 win season. I really don’t care what any of say to this comment. If your team was in the same situation as mine and were looking threw my glasses (i don’t wear glasses but if i did) then you would see the same thing.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
One more year.

So I say right here and now let's start www.comebackbobby.com. I am starting this campaign on this blog and my facebook now.
Gruden to Dawgs???
Monday, October 11, 2010
Bama Sucks
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Guess it couldn't last forever.....
Moving forward, as a Bama fan, I can only hope that they refocus and get back to Saban's one game at a time approach. Again, there aren't any excuses, but you have to wonder if the Tide wasn't looking past SC. So let all the shit talking, jokes and verbal assaults begin. I have been known to kick a man when their team was down and knowing this board, I expect the same.
Someone sent me a text yesterday asking how it felt to lose to the whipping boy of the SEC. This text came from an OSU fan so it had to be taken with a grain of salt. OSU plays in a powder puff conference and has seen first hand what happens when the SEC comes to town. But it did get me thinking about the overall state of conference this year. With all of the close games, has the gap between the top and bottom of the league been tightened up? Auburn has had several close games; LSU has pulled the rabbit out of the hat multiple times; UGA is down; SC is up; Vandy & Kentucky have looked solid at times.
My question to the board is this: Do you guys think that this is the most competitive - top to bottom - that the SEC has been?
As always, RMFT.
Friday, October 8, 2010
Update on Joe's Conversion to an Alabama Fan
Joe called me on the way to South Carolina at 4:55 p.m. his first words were Roll Tide.
I called Joe at 8:47 and again he answered the phone Roll Tide.
Joe called me at 9:05, his first words were Roll Tide.
I will keep everyone informed on his progress.
No pics for this week's picks. I'm superstitious.
2* FSU/Da U over 48: Two high powered O's going at it with each other. Great special teams too.
1* Miss St -5.5 @ Houston: I believe both of Houston's QB's are out for the year and also think Miss St is getting better with every game.
I would say the biggest game of the Weekend would be the Bama / South Carolina game – And since I am a college football writer (I don’t have a AP vote yet but I know its coming) I need to do a little more than just watch games on TV. So to get a better idea on this Alabama team that I seem to waffle on more than Al Gore during an election (mild attempt at some political humor) I have decided to make the trip to Columbia South Carolina and witness the game live. so tonight I will making the trip over and will start tailgating tonight around midnight in a RV with one of the biggest Alabama fans I have ever be around. Since I am a guest of a loyal Crimson Tide fan I will supporting the Tide as well. I know this makes some of you Bamars (pulley) really excited to know that I, of all people, will be watching one of the top 3 or 4 games of your season live instead of you. And the fact that I will have a Crimson shirt (it will not have an “A” on it and i will be drinking out of my whiskey glass that has a Georgia G on it) on makes you really proud. I may even give a couple of “Roll Tides” out there.
I will try to act like Pulley so I will fit in but I’m not sure I can become that big of an asshole. So what I thought is to maybe represent the University of Alabama with some class. Closer to how Jody acts (I really hate to think that Jody is classy but compared to most of them he actually is).
So ROLL TIDE!!! or RTR baby!! Or “Put Richardson in!! he is better than Ingram!”
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Randy Dandy
Is this what Brett Favre was missing?
The Vikings just got a whole lot better this morning. Favre really wanted to play with Moss in his last years at Green bay and really it was kind of the start of the downward turn of the relationship between Favre and the Pack. Well now Favre is at a place where he is in control and now he has one of (if not the) best WR is the game right now.
The Vikings are ranked 5th in Rushing, 9th in stopping the run, and 8th in stopping the pass, but 24th in passing. Great!! Great!! pick up by the Vikings and only giving up a 3rd round pick makes it even sweeter.
As for the Pats. This is typical. They know they lose the guy at the end of the year, they know he aint very happy right now, so why not pick up something for him now. I think that the Pats have 2 picks in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th round of the Draft next year. (didn’t check that last statement but i think i remember where they already had 2 picks in the 1,2, and 4 rounds – check it out to make sure)
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Interesting match ups this week
#17 Michigan State @ #18 Michigan
State brings a 5 – 0 record to the big house with some pretty big wins (Notre Dame 34-31 and Wisconsin 34-24). The Notre Dame win was Huge for the Spartans faking a field goal in overtime to steal the lead. These guys are doing pretty good stopping the run but will face, what could be, their toughest test with Denard Robinson who, I have to admit, I hadn’t watched very much of except high lights but he appears to be a freak. Michigan has a win over Notre Dame also but other than the Irish the Big Blue has not played much else.
Vegas has the line at Michigan –4 1/2 in the Big House.
#1 Alabama @ #19 South Carolina
I said at the very begining of the year that this would be the game that Bama gets beat. I also have picked them to lose to Arky and the Gayterds. I think the Tide wins this game this weekend. This way no matter what happens I be will correct.
I don’t think I was the only person in the world questioning Bama. I even recall some conversations with Jody (where he was agreeing with me) that people are going to have to step up to fill some awful big holes (Mclain, Arenas, Jackson) and I think some guys are doing a pretty damn good job, but what I didnt take in to consideration is how GREAT the offense would be. How can I think that an offense would not be great when they have the smartest QB in the conference (the guy is probably going to be a Rhode Scholar), last years Heisman Trophy winner (kid is just special and fun to watch), and a wide receiver that quietly is opening up the running game and making it almost impossible for opposing teams to do anything with their safeties other than help protect the side of the field that Julio is on. Love him or Hate him – the kid is good and will be playing on Sunday next year.
So does Bama run the table? I still don’t think so. I still think someone sneaks up and beats them somewhere but as long as it isn’t a 1 loss or undefeated Auburn team than Bama will represent the SEC in the National Title game again – even with 1 loss.
Back to the South Carolina game – Bama opened up as a 7 1/2 point favorite and now is 6 1/2.
#12 LSU @ #14 Florida
I don’t have to say it but I am.. Les Miles is a fucking moron. I would love to sit down with him and drink some cold beers.. I think it would be so much fun. I bet I would just be sitting there thinking inside that I can’t believe this guy is a head coach… Brantly is questionable for the game and Florida just hasn’t been clicking but they should be good enough to win this game. But are they good enough to cover the 7 points that Vegas laying.
#23 FSU @ #13 Miami
I like Miami and where this program is going. Their is probably more talent in the Miami area than any place in America. Granted their mostly thugs but they are really fast thugs. FSU snags a good bit of this talent yearly and so when ever you have a 2 of the 3 big boys in Fla. playing each other you are guaranteed to see some of the fastest athletes in the country.
Miami is the the favorite by 6 1/2 points
These are the games that really stood out… manly because you have 2 top 25 teams playing each other… And here are some pictures I came across that I liked.
Monday, October 4, 2010
My Top 10 – Right now
#1 Alabama is the most talented, the best coached, and the most disciplined team in College football.
#2 Ohio State
#3 Oregon
#4 Oklahoma
#5 Nebraska
#6 Boise State
#7 Auburn
#8 TCU
#9 Arkansas
#10 Arizona
Georgia opened up as a 11 point favorite over UT and now it has moved to 12 and even 12 1/2 some places…
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Thank you Bobby!

cod lock this!
Not too sure on a lot of college games this week so I took mostly nfl games
3. PITT -2. D looks too strong
2. HOUSTON -3.5.
1. miami-3.5
happy game day to all!
Friday, October 1, 2010
3* pick FLA ST –7
Call me crazy but I still believe in Christian Ponder and Jimbo Fisher I think they will get it going and win the ACC and I think it starts this week.
2* pick OHIO ST –17
No one has come close to the Buckeyes this year and Illinois couldn’t beat them when they had 2 NFL players on their team so they damn sure won’t come close now.
1* pick TX TECH –7
There is a reason Chizik ran fast to AU to get away from Iowa ST. They are horrible, expect the Raiders to play some D now that Tubbs is holding the reigns this one should be a blow out.
Joe’s Picks
Oklahoma –3 1/2 : Texas just hasn’t shown me anything. I am not going just by the lose to UCLA last week but I do think that this isn’t your typical Texas team and believe me when I tell you that Bob Stoops will not mind putting another TD on the board late just to make it a double digit win.
Tennessee +16 1/2 : I just don’t like LSU to be able to cover more than 2 TD’s on a Tennessee team that I think is fighting for a win. I am not a believer in LSU… yet. that could change.
Florida +8 : This is not a Anti Bama pick here. I think the Gayterds are better than we think and I think Bama isn’t as GREAT as we think – keeping this game close. Urban has got something up his sleeve for his arch rival saban keeping this game with in the 8 points. Thats just to many points for a big SEC game
If I don't come through this week, I'm going with the business man stache for next week's games.

Blog Archive
- Culpepper got on the Mic
- If they aint getting arrested… they are graduating
- A little different..
- Mike Zimmer is the MAN!!
- What is a “real defense”?
- Players of the week
- Mon – Day
- Chris Low’s SEC QB Rankings
- Test Run
- Ole Miss.. really?
- Question for the hunters on here.
- Washaun Ealey
- Sounds like UGA material to me!!
- Sorry
- My MAN!!!
- One more year.
- Gruden to Dawgs???
- Bama Sucks
- Guess it couldn't last forever.....
- Update on Joe's Conversion to an Alabama Fan
- No pics for this week's picks. I'm superstitious.
- Pumped!
- This is what I think Joe probably did
- Joe, this is for you
- Randy Dandy
- Interesting match ups this week
- My Top 10 – Right now
- HUH??
- Thank you Bobby!
- cod lock this!
- Codin’n’lockin
- Joe’s Picks
- If I don't come through this week, I'm going with ...