"the degenerate gamblers guide to talking shit, telling stories, and giving horrible advice on picks"
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Monday, June 28, 2010
2010 LSU Tigers
North Carolina is the opener in Atlanta and I like the Tigers in this game. Starting the season off 1-0
Vandy in Nashville is next. This is probably a good game to fall back on after such a big opener in Atlanta. Tigers go to 2-0
Mississippi State at home. Last year Miss St threw 3 picks and lost a fumble and only got beat by 4 points. I think State could make a statement in this game but I’m giving the edge to Baton Rouge at night.
West Virginia at home. Coming off a nail bitter against Mississippi State – The Tigers play down to their competition again but squeak out another one moving their record to 4-0 and big time “over-rated” talks are starting.
Tigers take care of business against UT at home going to 5-0
Then Florida, in the Swamp, hands them their first loss of the season dropping them to 5-1
McNeese St 6-1
Auburn in Jordan-Hare Stadium. Auburn will be coming off a loss to Arkansas and LSU will still have their heads held low from the loss in Gainesville. Auburn wins at home moving LSU to 6-2
Then LSU will have an off week. What better time to have a bye. Coming in 1-2 of your last 3 games with the defending National Champs coming into your house with your old Head Coach… LSU upsets Bama at home moving to 7-2
UL-Monroe 8-2
Ole Miss at home. Last years embarassing ending will be replaced with a home win. 9-2
Arkansas in Little Rock. Les Miles is in this game towards the end and just does something stupid to cost them the game and the Tigers finish 9-3.
Friday, June 25, 2010
PROGNOSTICATING and Friday notes
Since we all are so very good at predicting the future – I thought we would go through some of the schedules and not just throw out a win/loss record for a handful of teams but actually which teams win what games. This should take a while and I’m sure that we will not be agreeing much but I would like for people to argue their reasons.
Teams: SEC - LSU, Arkansas, Bama, Auburn, Florida, Georgia, South Carolina. ACC – Georgia Tech, Virginia Tech
Reese, I understand that you are the minority on the this blog with your ACC affiliations so let me know if you would like us to dive into any other teams in your weak ass conference.
The point of this is to see where everyone stands on each team. This is not to get personal and just bash other teams (Starrett and Culpepper I am talking to you here) – I know that I always go into the season with high hopes and its nice (sometimes) to hear where other people stand. Also, this will be able to give us a better understanding of other teams. While I enjoy reading Pre-Season magazines, its totally different to hear it from a fans perspective.
So Monday we will get into LSU.
Also, Couple of things we hadn’t talked about any. Vince Young slappin a bitch, Where is Labron going, Steven Strasburgh (spelling) is ridiculous, and The US Open.
Vince Young is a Moron. I don’t have a problem with looking at naked women for entertainment but if you are a multi millionaire couldn’t get your own your private show? This is not who I would want running my football team. He isn’t a stupid a Big Ben, or maybe he just hadn’t gotten caught as many times.
Labron. I think he is going to New York. I think he is going to buy stock in Madison Square Gardens before he signs, I think he wants his brand to go global and their is no better city in the States to go Global than New York, and I think he knows that this will buy him some time on winning a championship.
Steven. If you guys have not watched this kid pitch you need too. I’m talking the sports center highlights either. Watch a game, its sick.
US Open. I didn’t get a chance to watch the final day but I watch a large part of the first 3 days. I was kind of pulling for Dustin Johnson just because he is from South Carolina but I was enjoying seeing Tiger starting to make a come back. I didn’t care for the guy who won it. And I also would like to say if you wear a white belt while playing golf I hope their is an asshole like me in the woods with a horn.
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Wimbledon Marathon
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Hump Day… except at my house
SCORE!!! was what every single person today heard, read, or said. I guess the US scored on a late goal to advance them into the round of 16 in the World Cup… I’m sorry to say but I have not watched much World Cup… as in I have watched about 3 minutes and that is it. Maybe I will get a little more excited about next week but I just don’t give a shit about it.
Quick fishing story from last weekend. We were staying down at Boca Grande Fl (an island) and there was a really nice golf course. We were pulling back into the docks around noonish and saw where we were going to be pulling right by a threesome teeing off. When I say “right by” I mean literally with in 25 yards of these guys. I then noticed that the boat had a small horn on it and right when we were riding by one of the guys was in the middle of his back swing and I yelled “HEY!!!” and blew the horn.. He was fucking pissed and I was laughing out loud which made him even more mad.
I feel like total shit today. I had strep throat last Thursday and I took some left over Antibiotics and got better for the weekend. I then stopped taking them when I started feeling better and now I’m feeling the same way. So back on the Antibiotics tonight.
I know the blog has been real shitty lately and we owe you, our readers, a better product. We, as in you sorry pieces of shit that are supposed to be authors, need to step our game up and get this thing rolling strong going into football season. So get off your asses and lets start some shit up.
Start doing research… Will not be long before we start prodicting records of certain teams like GA, Bama, AU, GT, UT, etc… So have your shit ready because we will be able to come back to this at the end of the season and see how everyone did.
Thursday, June 17, 2010
ArKansas to the Big XII??

This is not suprising given Arkansas' past with the SWC, but would the money be there for them to actually leave te SEC? If they do, you know the Big XII will add another team, but who? Also, what does this do to the SEC? Who do they add? I'm off to get my pump on, so I'll return in the morning with my thoughts on this scenario. Outtie 5000 Leroys.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Mid Week Bull
2 people were arrested for sending over 30 women dressed in orange dresses to advertise for a beer company at the World Cup… I’m sure I do not have the story correct but I needed a reason to put this picture on the blog..
LAKERS CELTICS game 7 tomorrow night.. who it is? who it is? Lakers are laying 7 points at the moment and I’m thinking its a double digit win. How many times do we go into a game 7 with such high expectations and then get let down with a blow out? I see this one the same way.
I will be going Tarpon fishing this weekend and look to have a good time. I am going to try my best (If I’m not just completely shit faced) to do a “mobile post” – the down side of this is that I will not have spell check so I will appear to be in even worse shape than really am, but I think it is worth the try. So if you see some crazy shit on here over the next couple of days then that is why.
If any of you have ipods or mp3 players I plan on doing a very good post on the very best way to get music off the net for free and be able to put it on your ipod. I showed this to Culpepper and he has not been the same since. So stay tuned for that.
Authors of the blog need to step it up. This blog is titled “SOUTHERN FRIED” – it is not MY blog it is OUR blog so step it up bitches. Its not very hard to put some thoughts together and post them. What are you scared of? sounding stupid? well I would hope that my dumbass takes that fear away. So lets go.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Tuesday’s gone with the wind
SEC From 1991 – 1996 Florida won the SEC 5 of 6 years. Since then only Tennessee has won it back to back. Well here recently it feels like the conference is very lop sided. Chris Low writes on his ESPN blog this morning about how Florida and Alabama have only 3 loses in the last 2 years combined and 2 of 3 are to each other. Is the SEC that Top Heavy or is this the year we have somebody sneak up?
CONFERENCES Well it appears that the Big 12 is just so happy that they are still going to be a conference that they will pay Texas anything they want. They also said the hell with the conference championship game. I guess since the Nebraska is gone from the north its probably not that bad of an idea.. I just thought the point of this whole deal was to get conferences to where they have a conference championship game… so why doesn’t the Big 12 pick up Utah and TCU so they will stop bitching so much?
WORLD CUP I’m trying.. I really am. But this shit is tough to watch. and those God Damn horns are killing me – with that said, I think it’s ridiculous to ban them. This isn’t our country and it’s not our sport – so shut up about the horns. If you have tried to watch a game and struggled then I would suggest listening to it on ESPN radio. The announcers tell you what is going on and when I’m watching it I don’t have clue.
BRAVES the braves have a big game tonight against the Rays. Believe it or not this could actually be the teams playing in the World Series this year.
CELTICS LAKERS I picked the Lakers in 7 from the start and I’m sticking with it. I think the Celtics legs will eventually go out from under them and Kobe (THE BEST PLAYER IN BASKETBALL) will come up big and win again.
Monday, June 14, 2010
“I guarantee it”
Pully, this is Dana White saying that he Guarantees that this was the iceman’s last fight.. I was with you in wanting a Ortiz fight to finish it off but Dana sounds pretty convinced that this is it for Chuck..
UFC 115
New Look!
My job with this blog is not just to provide you with GREAT shit to read and watch, but also to entertain you with pretty good arguments amongst our group of authors and to also have a blog that is very attractive. So I am toying around with some settings, layouts, backgrounds, etc… As always your opinion matters, so please feel free to shoot a comment over saying what you like and what you don’t. keep in mind, i am trying to achieve a blog that looks as ligitament as possible.
Friday, June 11, 2010
Can't not watch this if you are a football fan
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Conference Wonderland
Nebraska is in the Big 10. Now if they go after Mizzo - then that leaves the Big 12 as the Big 10 and the Big 10 as the Big 12… Then if the Pac 10 gets Colorado, which it also has apparently done, and then goes after Oklahoma, Oklahoma State, Texas, Texas Tech, and Texas A&M then the Pac 10 will be the Pac-16. Then the Big 10, or now the Big 12, will go after 4 other schools. Probably ND and 3 others, prolly from the Big East. Then you will have the SEC not wanting to be left out so they will go after several schools like GT, FSU, Miami, and Clemson. Then you will have a weak ACC and Big East so they combine and you get the Pac 16, the SEC16, the Big 16, and the BigAtlantic16..
This is all because of the Big 10 network. That’s it. No other reason. The Big 10 gets something like 7 or 8 cents per subscriber of the Big 10 network in states with out a Big 10 school BUT in states with a Big 10 school they get something like 48 cents per subscriber. Now all the other conferences are seeing just how much money can be made from these TV networks.
2 new channels to come very soon… The SEC network and the PAC network.
What will this change? Probably not as much as some think. All the playoff people will be kind of happy because they will probably get some kind of playoff now but the BCS haters should probably get a little scared. If you think the BCS is powerful now… just wait till they are over 4 super conferences.
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Bros Icing Bros
Monday, June 7, 2010
Monday Monday
Well I’m not 22 anymore. I just can’t do it like I used to. 3 days of rockin and rollin will put a hurtin on a fella in my condition. Last night I thought I was having a heart attack. I really did. I asked Traci to keep an eye on me because I was having chest pains. “Why do you think you are having chest pains Joe,” she asked. “well Traci, Over the last 4 days I have drank an enough alcohol to kill a small country and smoked enough cigarettes to give a monkey lung cancer. I also have eating nothing but BBQ pork and so much of it I almost vomited several times afterward” I answered. So yesterday I just hung out, relaxed and watched the race while dozing in and out… I didn’t have a heartache but I did take a really good nap and had a really really cool dream. I dreamed that I had media credentials and I could get in these things as a member of the media and take pictures and do interviews. So I started looking into what it takes to get “credentials” and I found out that it doesn’t take much at all. Really, it doesn’t. At least that is what it said when I googled it.
So here is my plan. I have contacted Troy Cable, where my commercials run, and talked to them about if they had coming up anytime soon that I could be apart of. They said that they had a Blue Grass festival coming up that they wouldn’t mind me doing some interviews for them , so I said GREAT!!! Then I contacted the local newspaper and spoke with the editor about taking some pictures at a high school sporting event for him and he said sure. So here is what I’m thinking. I plan on getting in to some events as a media person, making some contacts and getting a feel for how things go. Then I will attempt to make a jump at bigger things like college football games and concerts. This will be a process people so don’t expect over night success. I will not be asking questions at this years super bowl but I will be doing some things that I’m sure will bring you some reading enjoyment.
Lakers/Celtics. Lakers win game 1, Celtics win game 2. I still like the Lakers in 7.
Braves. Split with the Dodgers and will continue a pretty long road trip out west. If we back from the west coast still up on the Phillies we several home games scheduled we could be looking even better than we are right now.
Conference Expansion. Enough already. Since their are no decent news stories going on right now we see a head line that says some thing about expansion. after reading it we realize we didn’t learn anything we didn’t already know. So stop talking about the shit until something good comes along.
Season Finale of Justified coming on tomorrow. If for some reason reason you have not watched it yet, just go get season 1 when it comes out. Dont start our on the season’s last episode. And after this then what are we to watch? Really, what? Someone please let me in on what I can watch on TV this summer if I want to take a break from the Bravos.
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Hump Day – so lets hump.
Next week is the Season Finale and I am excited for the show but hate the fact that its over. Things seem to be getting very crazy.. You got Ava Crowder (Bowman’s widow – Ava killed him) catching Raylan banging his ex-wife (not bad sex scene for cable tv either), Bo Crowder (Bowman’s father) just inked a deal with some guys from Miami to ship a shit load of drugs his way for him to make a ton of meth in his new warehouse he just bought but Boyd Crowder, Bo’s son and Bowman’s brother, blew the truck up for God. And that was just last night. Great First Season. If you have not watched this show then do yourself a favor and get the First Season when it comes out. (Mike Stuckey Agrees) You will probably be able to get it on Netflix pretty soon.
About Netflix – has anyone gotten a WII and hooked up with Netflix on-line for $9 a month? I have spoken to several people about this and everyone has said that it is the shit. You can download movies and TV shows straight to your TV. I will be trying this in the near the Future.
Lakers Celtics – WOW!! OK, lets get over the fact that D Howard, Lebron James, and Steve Nash will all be watching the finals instead of us watching them. Could we really ask for a better Finals? Really? I say this with me being the one that wanted to see Nash win one more than anybody on the court but when its all said and done don’t we really want to see the best play the best? It’s not a coincidence that these two teams make up over half the championships in the NBA. I am really happy about this match up and think that its going to be a knock down drag out of a series. Prediction: Lakers in 7 with at least 1 of the games going into overtime.
Well Bamajam is finally here – Brad Parham will be arriving tonight and Elliot Poole will be arriving tomorrow – both bringing their wives. We should have a really really good time. Videos, pictures, and stories to come.
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Phil Steele is full-o-shit!!
Blog Archive
- Now Who Is Gay???
- When your gay your gay…
- 2010 LSU Tigers
- PROGNOSTICATING and Friday notes
- Wimbledon Marathon
- Hump Day… except at my house
- ArKansas to the Big XII??
- Dont underestimate the power of “rough talkin”
- Mid Week Bull
- Tuesday’s gone with the wind
- “I guarantee it”
- UFC 115
- New Look!
- Can't not watch this if you are a football fan
- Conference Wonderland
- Bros Icing Bros
- Monday Monday
- Hump Day – so lets hump.
- Phil Steele is full-o-shit!!