By: Rusty Thomas
Here I sit at my desk, watching the clock tick away till game time. Only 24 hours left till kickoff. I can’t wait! Tomorrow at noon, my Tennessee Vols will take on the Bulldogs of Georgia. This game means a lot to me because of all the games we play all year, I want to beat Georgia the most. You see I’m a die hard Vols fan living in Georgia and something dawned on me long ago. I actually have no real problem with Georgia’s football program,
No one in association with the team has actually wronged me personally, except for that time Tim Wansley tried to beat me up in a waffle house parking lot, the deep hatred I have for this team isn’t really based on the team at all. It’s their fucking fans that make me physically sick with anger. Here’s why….
Let’s start with the obvious. Every UGA fan is fundamentally the same person. A bunch of loud, obnoxious red necks that get up on Saturday morning and put on their game day uniforms. Red polo, neatly tucked into their Khaki pants, hat sitting on top of their heads but not pulled down too far so that every one can still see their shaggy mop hair cuts that they all seam to have, flip-flops and of coarse the quintessential expression of absolute douchebaggery painted upon their face. Now that’ we’re all in uniform let the mouthing off begin.
If they handed out the national championship in July, Georgia would win it every year.
“This is gone be the year, National Champions 08 baby” followed by high fives all around using their free hand that isn’t holding a Zima. God forbid they actually are honest and say well, this looks like a rebuilding year for us. No, they can’t say that because truth be told, 90% of the retarded Georgia faithful probably can’t name a single fucking player or even tell you the coaches name.
Once the season starts, the douchebaggery only gets worse. Georgia loses a game, is it their fault, no, never! Blame the referees, “they didn’t call it both ways” “ if it wasn’t for that bad call we’d of won” Just look at the LSU fiasco, maybe it was a bad call, but let’s face it, the better team won. Plus, who the hell are you to bitch considering your are one of the most penalized teams in all of college football. Cheaters! Just once I’d like to hear a Georgia fan say “ they played a good game, they were just a better team.” Well, I won’t hold my breath on that one cause you ask any Georgia fan and they’ll tell ya that on a neutral field versus the Indianapolis colts, Georgia wins my 2 scores.
Then, god forbid they actually win the game, they have absolutely no class. How bout a “ you guys played a good game” or “ man, that was close, we sure lucked out there.” No, not from a Georgia fan, all you’ll hear loud uncalled for gloating that really just makes you want to put your foot up their ass right through their neatly pressed khakis, considering they probably didn’t even watch the game as they were tied up at the Nickel Back concert.
These are just a few of the reasons I can’t stand these cock suckers. I hate myself for it but I actually have to cheer for Florida when they play Georgia, yes I said it, Florida because I wouldn’t cheer for Georgia even if they were playing against communist Russia.
Tomorrow’s game is big for both teams and I’m pretty sure Tennessee’s running game and defense will be enough to come out victorious. Georgia will be moving backwards all day do to penalties and Tennessee wins 24-17. After our victory, I’ll wait silently for the Georgia fans to finish their speech about how it was the refs fault and how Mark Richt should be fired for not winning every game and then I’ll say, “you guys played a good game” and that will be it. However, if this game doesn’t go my way and Georgia comes out on top, it’s ok, I can hold my head high cause at the end of the day no matter what the score may be…………………………….You guys are still douche bags.